“What is it like at the sanctuary?” asked Jason. “It’s got big walls” said William. “It looks small from the outside, but it is huge on the inside. There are sniper towers and it has escape bunkers, just in case things go wrong.” “They also have a large hospital” said a man named Timmy. “It’s for anyone who is injured upon arrival, or who is infected.”

                    The group stayed quiet for a moment, before AJ asked “Is there really a cure?” The soldiers and William stayed quiet. “Is there?” asked Sherri. “We’re not allowed to talk about it” said Timmy. “They’re making one” said William. “Its in production.” “William, quiet” said Allan. “No” said William. “They’re my friends. I can tell them what they want to know.”

                    “Oh no” they heard Greg’s voice at the wheel say. Jason looked over, and saw that they were on empty. Greg turned, opened the window and said “Allan, fill the tank up. Everyone, lets step out for a moment.” They all followed Greg’s orders, and they got out of the truck.

                      A walker started to head towards the truck, but William took a baseball bat from the truck and hit it in the head, smashing its brains in. Christian began to cry, as Sherri said “I need to change him.” Sherri lied him on the back of the truck, as Greg approached.

                       “It’s a beautiful child” he said, and she smiled. Greg sighed and said “I ain’t gonna lie to you, that baby will be scarred from this world, but we’ll protect it. If we don’t find a cure, we can at least give it a nice home, a nice home for you to raise it.” “Thank you Captain” Sherri said. “Greg” he said. “We’re friends now. You don’t have to address me in a formal way.”

                       Sherri nodded, as Greg asked “Has the father passed on?” Sherri nodded, and Greg said “My full condolences.” “Thank you” Sherri said. “Greg.” Greg smiled, as Allan said “We’re filled up.” “Good” Greg said. “Let’s get these people, and that baby to our sanctuary.” Greg got into the truck, as the others did too, and Greg drove off.

                        Terry led his group down the road, when they spotted another sign talking about the sanctuary. Suddenly, they saw a green army truck drive past them. Terry and Ted ran forward, followed by Vivian and Carly. “WAIT” Terry shouted. “STOP” shouted Vivian, but the truck was already far off.

                       “They have to be going to the sanctuary” said Carly. “We can probably follow their tracks” said Ted. “We need to hurry” said Vivian. “It looks like it’s going to rain.” “Come on guys” Terry said, and the four broke out into a run.

                         Anthony and Todd walked very fast through the woods. They had guns at the ready, as they spotted a few walkers roaming around. “Leave them” said Anthony. “We can’t stop for anything.” “Okay” said Todd, and the two continued on.

                        They were quiet for awhile, before Todd asked “Can I ask you something?” “What?” Anthony asked. “Look” Todd said. “I don’t want to be rude or anything, but it seems like you haven’t been the best person for the past few days. What is wrong with you?”

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