Kidnapped Again

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3rd Person POV

It had been a solid 2 months since Shoto had been kidnapped. But during that time, Overhaul, the villain the league had supposedly burnt to death turned out to be alive. He had been able to strike a deal with the league to help them kidnap Eri and Shoto and allow the league to perform experiments on them. The league was intrigued about this, especially Dabi. Since Dabi was originally a Todoroki sibling you'd think he'd feel bad about this, right? Wrong, he thought Shoto Todoroki was getting treated much better and was being pampered while his siblings were neglected and he was burnt. This caused anger inside of Dabi and actually wants to kill Shoto. Seeing him suffer under torture though? That would be much worse than a quick stab and being dead.


"Ok problem children, we're going to be practicing rescue missions here. I will choose who gets rescued and everybody will switch so everyone can get a turn rescuing and being rescued." Aizawa explained in his lazy tone.

"Ooh! This is going to be so exciting!! Right Deku?" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Y-Yeah!" Deku stuttered out, face red.

"Oh, and Eri will be joining us, she wants to see what it's like to prepare rescuing someone." Aizawa gestured to a small Eri next to him.

"Can I go with Shoto?" Eri asked Aizawa.

"Mhm, sure."

Eri walked over to Shoto and stood beside him.

"Ok, head over to the mountain zone and we'll start training." 13 said cheerfully.

Everybody started making their way to the mountain zone. Eri and Todoroki were behind Uraraka and Midoriya. When they were close to the mountain zone, a warp gate had opened up under Todoroki and Eri's feet and sucked them in. Midoriya and Uraraka immediately dropped down and grabbed onto Eri and Todoroki's hands. Midoriya had hold of one of Todoroki's hands and Uraraka grabbed one of Eri's hands.

Another warp gate opened up in front of Aizawa and out stepped Shigaraki, Dabi and Kurogiri.

"Hello again 1-A!" Dabi smiled, though it was more like a maniac smiling.

"What do you want League?!" Aizawa questioned as he activated his quirk.

"We're just here to ask for Eri and Shoto again. Hopefully you can be a bit nicer this time and 'share' them." Shigaraki responded.

"They're never going with you! Didn't you learn that last time?" Aizawa yelled.

"Eh, guess not. Kurogiri, you know what to do about those two." Shigaraki pointed to Midoriya and Uraraka.

A warp gate opened under the two and they fell through, a few seconds later another warp gate opened next to Aizawa and Midoriya and Uraraka were spat out. After that, the League of Villains stepped back into the warp gate and disappeared.

461 Words

Hi! Sorry this chapter is kinda short, I just needed to get something out! The next chapter will hopefully come out this next week or two!

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