My eyes widen as I try to swallow a laugh and I smack Michael's ass from behind in the process. 

"Do not take anyone's kid! You understand?!" He continues his lecture at Michael. I can feel him getting more tensed by my side.

"Uh- Um- LOOK OUT!" I point at nothing behind the man, screaming at the top of my lungs. 

As soon as he turns around I wave the kid a quick goodbye before grabbing Michael's hand, the luggage and dashing away.

"Hey!" We hear a faint call in the distant as we turn a corner. Our legs keep running, not stopping one bit until we reach our suite.

Heavy panting fills the area with us cackling wildly and I slide down with my back on the wall from falling over. Michael follows as I lean myself into his chest, holding my cramping stomach. 

A loud ringtone suddenly cuts our direction over to his phone. The writing says 'hoe #1' so I know it's Lucas. He rolls his eyes, about to put the phone away. "You might want to pick that up." I nudge him with my eyes. 

A loud sigh leaves him before putting it up to his ear. 


Lucas' POV:

'Alex stop!' I mouth at him with the phone to my ear. The fire alarm is going off, Mia is fanning the air with a towel frantically and Alex... 

Alex just tripped and now there is blood everywhere on his face and floor. 

"Hello?" Michael repeats. "Did you arrive?" I almost yell into the phone because of all the noise in the house. 

"Yeah, what's that noise."

"Oh, that's the fire alarm, don't worry. I was just... testing it." I make up an excuse, covering my open ear with one hand.

"We have people to test it, Lucas." 

I take in the sight of the house and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I know, it's fine. I was bored anyways."

There is silence on his end so I take it to end the call and help Alex who's still on the floor squirming like a little child. "Okay, I have to really go now. Have fun, though!" I run over to the first aid kit in the kitchen. Guards are running everywhere trying to clean and help in the area.

It's a chaotic fucking mess.

"Alex, how 'bout you just- just stay out of the kitchen?" I approach him with the gaws. "I was just trying to make the pasta recipe Cora made a bit better. Actually a lot better." I look him dead in the eye. "What?! I was starving!"

The doorbell suddenly rings and I grow confused. No one has pushed that button in years. "I'll get it!" Mia starts to the door.

"No wai-" I didn't know who it was. It could've been someone dangerous, but she opens the door and just stands there. "Uh?" 

My feet are quick to make their way to her. "Lucas, I'm bleeding out and you leave me. Okay, I didn't even say my last goodbyes." His voice slowly fades out behind me.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mia eyes her. Michael's ex-girlfriend stands at the door. 

"Courtney. Michael's ex." 

The door is suddenly being closed by Mia. "Fuck off." "Wait!" Courtney holds it in one place with her hand but the grip loosens.

Her muffled shouts are heard from outside. "Dumbass bitch." Mia rolls her eyes. "Why was she here?" She approaches me.

"I don't know. I should call Michael." 

I reach for my phone and click on his name. He answers after the fifth ring. "Sup, broski" Cora speaks into it.

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