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"Loki, God of Mischief, Son of Odin, Husband of Kenna, as King Consort do you hereby swear to give your life for the people of Asgard? Will you bring in prosperity, light and laughter? Will you shield them from harm and protect them, even if it means your own death?"

"I will,"

"Swear by the Gods to uphold your promise here today."

"I swear on the Gods both present and in Valhalla, I swear on the name of Odin Allfather, I swear of the name of Frigga Allmother, I will uphold any and all promises made this day."

"Stand to face your people. All rise, for His Royal Highness, Loki, God of Mischief and King Consort of Asgard."

A staff was banged against the floor five times.

"Please, join your family," Loki went to stand beside Frigga and Thor on the steps leading up to the throne.

Hiamdall was overseeing the ceremony, he stood just in front of the throne, with a servant beside him holding a glittering golden crown.

The trumpets began again and the doors at the end of the throne room were pulled open. On the other side of them was Kenna, dressed gold.

Her dress shone under the lights, and trailed behind her in a long train. She had a gold veil to match, pinned into her hair and cascading down over her dress.

She stepped forwards into the room

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She stepped forwards into the room. The gathered congregation stood up once more. The musicians were playing strong, loud music that fell into the beat of her steps.

She glanced at everyone as she passed them. Valkyrie and Sif sitting with the Warriors Three. Nat, Wanda, Steve, Peter, Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Strange, Bruce, Lillian, Joseph and Christie. And right at the front, Tony and Pepper. There was an empty seat beside Tony, reserved for her mum.

She saw tears filling up Tony's eyes as she passed him and made her ascend up the stairs until she stopped before Hiamdall.

"Kneel," Kenna did so, she found it difficult with the volume of her dress and the fact that she was on stairs, but she did it nonetheless. "State your name for The Gathered."

"I am Kenna Elizabeth Stark, Daughter of Anthony Stark, Wife of Loki Odinson, Goddess of the Sun and Princess of Asgard."

"Kenna, Goddess of the Sun, Daughter of Anthony, Wife of Loki, as Queen do you hereby swear to give your life for the people of Asgard? Will you bring in prosperity, light and laughter? Will you shield them from harm and protect them, even if it means your own death?"

"I will,"

"Swear by the Gods to uphold your promise here today."

"I swear on the Gods both present and in Valhalla, I swear on the name of Odin Allfather, I swear of the name of Frigga Allmother, I will uphold any and all promises made this day."

"Stand to face your people. All rise, for Her Imperial Majesty, Kenna, Goddess of the Sun and Queen of Asgard."

The staff was hit off the floor again, ten times this time. Loki was motioned over and he held out his hand for her, which she took. They stood like that while Hiamdall placed the golden crown atop her head.

Then the turned and Loki led her up the remainder of the stairs to her throne. When she turned for the final time The Gathered were standing with one arm across their chests, fists over hearts.

She placed her hands on both of the arms of the throne and lowered herself into it. As she did The Gathered knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads.

"Long live the King Consort!" Hiamdall announced.

"Long like the King Consort!" The Gathered repeated.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!"


Apparently Valkyrie had a sense of humour. She, unbeknownst to anyone, hired a lady to sing at the coronation.

Kenna rolled her eyes when she appeared and started singing while The Gathered were milling around, drinking, dancing and eating.

Kenna stood at the end of the room with Loki, watching Tony and Pepper dance in the middle of the dance floor. Every so often he would gently lay a hand on her stomach.

Kenna of course knew, that even though the fat lady was singing, this was nothing the end. Hela was out there somewhere, waiting and biding her time to attack.

There was always going to be someone who wants to take away her happiness. While they may succeed. They will never take away her spirit. She will keep fighting for as long as she lives.

Kenna Stark will not give up.

"Loki," she whispered, curling herself into his side. He rubbed a thumb on her waist and hummed in response. She looked up at him, causing him to look down, concerned.

"Are you alright?"

"Perfectly," she replied, eyes shining.

"What is it?"

"I'm pregnant."

The end.

Wow. That's it. This took so long to write. I really hope it's worth it. This is my first Loki/ marvel fic and I really hope you guys enjoyed it. I have so many ideas for a second book, but I think I'll give myself a break. I want to have the whole book written before I publish it, just like I have with this one. It means I'm mot leaving you guys hanging and feeling guilty but also unmotivated to write.

Kenna has been one of my favourite heroines to write about, and Loki just lives permanently in my heart. I am so proud of this work.

If I could speak to my 2015 self and tell her that she would be writing 50 chapter books, each chapter with 2000+ words she would never believe me.

This has been a little passion project of mine for the past few months and I'm so glad it's done and I can finally share it with the world.

I love you all so much.

Stay mischievous.

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