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"Go on then," Loki was practically shoved towards Kenna. "I want you to kill her, and take your time with it. She was to be hung, was she not? Choke her then."

Kenna's eyes locked with Loki's as he slowly moved towards her. She knelt up a little straighter. Thor was shouting for him to stop but they slapped a muzzle on his face.

Kenna could see it, the thing she had been missing for nearly three months. The love that glistened in Loki's eyes. She had it. She realised then that her chance of survival was slim. But it didn't matter. She had that love, that was al she would ever need.

He reached out, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. His hand went to her neck. He lifted her. To her feet. Off the ground. She grasped onto his arm, pulling the best smile she could. "I trust you," she whispered before her vision went spotty and black.


"Hi, I'm here to see my father," Steve told the receptionists.

"And what's his name?"

"Oh uh- you see he's a little... you know," he whistled, insinuating he was loopy, "sometimes he gives out random names. I've found him in 5 different care homes telling people he is Winston Churchill."

"So you don't know what name he would have told my staff?"


"Then I don't know how I can help you?" She replied, smiling uneasily.

"Thing is, I know he's here... look I have a picture." Steve slapped the picture on the reception desk. "Could I just see him? I really need to take him home, my mother is worried sick."

"I think I know who you're talking about." She buzzed through and asked someone to bring the new one through. "He's been telling all my staff that he is Odin, that Viking God."

"Oh yes, that's a frequent one," Steve laughed, turning up the charm just ever so slightly. "Thinks I'm Thor, the almighty God of Thunder." He laughed, "see that's me in the photo." He pointed to the young Thor.

The door beside them opened and out walked to nurses with Odin between them. "What's going on? I want to go home."

"Hey dad, yeah you're going home, I'm going to take you home." Steve said, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Thor?" Steve threw a look to the receptionist and chuckled.

"Yeah that's me." He grasped ahold of Odin's arm and began walking him to the front door. He waved to the receptionist. "Thank you for you help!"

"You've cut your hair."

"Let's go,"


There was a ringing. It pierced through her head. She heard muffled voices and shouts. The ringing got quieter and quieter until it faded completely. Then she felt the strength to open her eyes.

Kenna was lying at the side of the room. Sif was a few feet away, trying not to look at her. She looked around a few times before crouching down and placing the crystal on the floor along with the book. She stood up straight again before anyone noticed.

Kenna pulled herself slowly along the floor, trying not to scrape her armour against the stone and create a sound. She reached out and grabbed the crystal and the book before pulling them to herself. She was lucky she was at the side of the room, she was hidden.

She flipped the book open and turned to the correct page. She found it and picked up the crystal in her hands. She looked up at Sif who nodded slightly.

Kenna StarkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin