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Kenna was cold when she woke up. She was cuddled up under thick covers so she had no idea how she could be feeling cold.

Still she shivered. "Are you cold?" She smiled at Loki's voice in the dark. It was still night outside, barely. "I can leave if you want?"

"Why would I want that?" She asked, sitting up as he was.

"Because you mortals get cold very easily and I can't be helping the situation."

"Maybe not by sitting there," Kenna smiled a little and placed her hand on his bare shoulder. He was freezing to touch. "Hold me, and we can both be warm."

"I don't think that's possible Kenna," he didn't move so she retracted her hand.

"I should go, before anyone wakes up." She said suddenly, dragging herself from the bed and gathering up the last of her clothes.

"You can keep that shirt," Kenna turned to see Loki staring at her and she realised she was wearing his shirt.

"When did you put this on me?"

"After you fell asleep, somewhere around 1am," his expression changed to a mischievous smile and she rolled her eyes.

"God this would be so much easier if it was anyone else," his smile flattered a little.

"Whatever do you mean, darling?"

"Leaving, if it were anyone else I wouldn't have trouble leaving, yet it is you, and I find myself in desperate need to stay."

"So stay, who is saying you have to go?"

"You did, Loki you were right. If my dad ever found out-"

His expression turned cold, "I thought you didn't care about that- about him."

"I'm trying to protect you!" She whisper shouted back, he scoffed.

"I do not need the protection of a mortal."

"Goodbye Loki," with that she turned to leave, trying her hardest not to slam the door on her way out.

In her anger she stormed her way back upstairs, using the elevator this time, too angry and tired to care who it woke.

She was walking to quickly she slammed straight into someone, Peter. "Oh, Kenna, what are you doing up?"

"I-I was-"

"Is everything alright?" He noticed her attire, "is that- is that Loki's shirt?" Her face became the picture of terror, "Kenna, it's okay, I won't tell anyone." He left her after that, without any explanation as to why he was up this early in the morning.

Kenna didn't stop to ponder it, if he was up there was a change others were too, she had to get into her apartment without anyone else seeing her.

Luckily she managed it and made her way to the kitchen. There was a bottle of whisky sitting on a shelf, she pulled it down and took a swig straight from the bottle.

Next she went to the bathroom, flicked on the light and went to her sink, and stared at herself in the mirror. She splashed cold water on her face and blinked at her reflection. Her eyes caught a droplet and followed it as it ran down her cheek to land on her collarbone.

She noticed something under the collar of the shirt and lightly pulled it out of the way. Underneath the collar sat a deep purple bruise.

"Fuck sake, Loki." She poked at it. It was right on the nape of her neck, visible in anything other than a turtleneck. Her first hickey. Her first attempt at covering one.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now