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"Kenna!" Loki ran after her, leaving Valkyrie alone in the kitchen. "Kenna please wait!"

She just ran away, not really knowing where she was going until she found herself outside the lounge. She stopped and turned towards him.

Her face was tear stained and glowing red with anger. "How dare you!"

Her shouts brought her others from the lounge. At the same time Valkyrie caught up with them and was standing a few paces behind Loki.

"Get out!"

"Kenna please."

She took a deep breath and held out a hand to Nat, who was walking forwards to help. "Who's name is on the side of the building?" He didn't answer, "what is written on the side of this building!"


"And which one of us is the Stark?"


"I didn't think it was yours, but then again even if you did have your own tower, you wouldn't have a name to put on the side." Loki visibly flinched and Kenna couldn't help but smirk, happy that she caused him some amount of pain. "Get out of my home!" Loki pressed his eyes closed.

"Please, let me explain."

"GET OUT! And don't you dare think about ever coming back." Kenna refused to break eye contact, her eyes were burning with rage and eventually Loki lowered his head and disappeared in a flash.

Kenna's anger was directed towards Valkyrie. The two women looked at each other. One about to boil over in anger, the other full of sorrow. "I'm sorry," Valkyrie whispered, "it's my fault, don't blame Loki."

"I don't even know who you are!"

"I'm sorry," Valkyrie repeated.

"I don't care," Kenna walked towards her, "you can leave too."

Valkyrie nodded slowly and walked towards the elevator, before getting in and the doors closing in front of her.

No one else spoke, they just looked at Kenna, waiting for her to do something. Slowly she turned around to face them. She swallowed deeply before addressing Tony, "are you happy now?" Was all she said before she broke down. Tony caught her and slowly lowered her to the ground while she cried into his shoulder.

"Kenna," he held her while she sobbed. The others watched on in silence before Pepper lowered herself down and wrapped her arms around them both. Then Nat and Wanda joined in, before long all the avengers were crowded around her on the floor.

She cried for ages before she tried pushing them off. Then she stood up, wiped her face and cleared her throat. "My cousin Christie wants to visit, can you send the jet for her and my family?" She asked Tony, "find out when her exams are done and bring them over right after."

"Kenna," Tony said, reaching out for her.

"I've had a long flight, I think I would like to get some sleep now, try and get me back on New York time." She turned and walked away before anyone could say anything.

Even if she had stayed no one knew what to say. They watched her walk away towards the elevator and disappear to her apartment floor.

"I feel sick," Peter said after a while. Tony put his arm around his shoulders and sighed.

"Me too kid, me too." He said. Nat looked over at Thor, who had the same expression at Peter.

"Are you going to find him?" She asked, making him look at her. Everyone else looked up.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now