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"Mr Stark,"

"Yes Peter?"

"What's behind this door?"

"What door?"

"This one?"

"OH- storage."

"Are you lying?"

"No, it's storage."

"You're lying."

"Peter, I swear to God don't push that button- you pushed the button."

"Dad is that you?"


"Peter, meet my daughter, Kenna."

~3 months later~

January 17th 2018

The avengers sat around their meeting table at the top of Stark tower. They hadn't had such an important meeting in months, but now they were here discussing a risky move. The admission of their once enemy into their ranks. Everyone in the room sat except Loki, he stood at the end of the table. Hands behind his back, trying to look professional, while his brother fought for his case.

"Loki has changed, you can all see that- Steve he saved your life."

"That is true, if it wasn't for Loki, I would be dead." Steve said, although the idea didn't stop his from eyeing Loki suspiciously.

"What is he turns on us?" Tony asks, leaning back in his chair, "what if you let him in and he betrays us, people could die."

"If I may," Loki said, waiting for permission to continue, "I realise that I do not have a good reputation among you, but you are all very capable of apprehending me, do you think I would walk into a situation where I am grossly outnumbered with any ill intent?"

"He has a point," Natasha narrowed her eyes at him before looking around the table. "I call for a vote. Raise your hand if you are in favour of welcoming Loki into the Avengers."

All those who were in favour raised their hands, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Bruce, Bucky, Peter, Sam, Nick, Stephen, Wanda, and Vision.

"That's twelve to one." The only one who didn't raise their hand was Tony. He sighed, "Welcome to the team Loki." Then he stood, walked around the table and stopped next to him, looking like a midget beside the frost giant, "don't screw it up." He turned back to everyone else, "now if you will all excuse me." Then he left, with Pepper meeting him at the door.

Loki stood awkwardly before pulling himself a chair and sitting in the place he had been standing. "So, is there some kind of initiation I have to go through?"

"Just don't try to kill us all and you'll do just fine." Natasha replied, loosening her glare as she warmed up to the idea.

"Where do you think Tony and Pepper go?" Wanda says, more to herself than anyone else, "they leave for lunch every single day at the same time."

"Mr Stark and Miss Potts do not leave the tower, but I can't seem to figure out where they have gone." Vision says. The room is silent for a second.

"Maybe they have a secret child." Loki says with a smirk, "wouldn't that be exciting."

"No, she isn't Pepper's daughter." Peter says absentmindedly, before realising his mistake and gasping a little. Every set of eyes in the room fall on him. "I mean, who isn't Pepper's daughter- Mr Stark doesn't have a daughter- she isn't Pepper's daughter and she isn't Mr Stark's daughter- she isn't anyone's daughter- there is no daughter."

Kenna StarkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon