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The Avengers were in a flurry and a very large predicament. They all had started running around suiting up and getting ready to help Kenna and Thor as soon as Loki and Odin had shown up. It wasn't until they were all ready to go they realised they had no way to get to Asgard.

As far as they knew the crystal was still in place, none of them had seen Kenna take it, they thought the defences were still up, meaning Strange couldn't get them in. Well he could but they didn't know that. They thought the only way was via the Bifrost.

If only they had stayed to watch the rest of Kenna's brilliance play out.

They were debating what do to when there was a dark chuckle from the far side of the room. The turned towards the source to see Loki leaning against the wall, his helmet in his hand, pretending to polish it.

Tony lowered the face plate of his suit and charged towards him. Loki kicked out and sent him flying backwards, knocking into the others like a bowling ball, scattering them like pins.

"Now what kind of a hello it that?" Tony stood up and opened the suit, he stepped out. "Relax, Stark, I'm here to help."

"After what you did!" Tony began to change again before Nat reached out and stopped him.

"Let him finish." She said, getting Steve to help hold him back.

"Thank you," Loki grinned, "you're not going to be able to save her."

"You son of a bitch." Steve tightened his grip on Tony's arm.

"You won't be able to save her. Ever single solider in that palace still thinks Odin is... well, Odin. They are loyal to him, he is their king. You will be seen as the enemy invaders." She wandered around the room, "me on the other hand, I am their Prince." He smiled, "why would they expect anything nefarious from me?"

"Tony he has a point," Steve said, letting go enough for Tony to shrug him off.

"Do you have a plan?"

"Did they?"

"They had a perfectly good plan before you came swanning it to ruin everything." Tony replied, bitterness and angry lacing his voice.

"Yes I have a plan, you see your daughter is a very smart woman," he hoped no one noticed the little quirk of his mouth. "She took the crystal." He watched at the mouths of the team fell open in surprise. "Now she is invaluable to them, they want their protective wards back, they can't kill her."

"Get to the point." Clint said, fiddling with his bow in a somewhat warning. "Is there a reason you're here and not helping?"

"Kenna is the only one who can restore the crystal, there is a special incantation you have to recite in order for it to be restored, Kenna does not know the incantation." Loki explained, "said incantation was written in one of the books my brother and I returned with after our trip to Asgard. I need it back so she can read it, learn the incantation and voila," he motioned with his hands in a mocking gesture, "crystal restored."

"So you came for a book?" Tony asked, deadpan. "You came in here to monologue when you could have just taken the book and gone?"

"The real Odin is also on Midgard, did I forget to mention that?" Loki grinned, "I'm going to need you to rescue him, while I rescue your daughter." He held out his hand, "deal?"

"Where is he?"

"New York City, I am unaware where precisely but all I know is he looks like this." Loki tossed a photo on the table. "Don't ruin that photo, I want it back." He said. Tony picked up the photo and saw what it really was.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now