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"Valkyrie," the way Loki breathed her name made Kenna shiver. It was disbelief, shock and friendliness all at once. Of course he saw her as a friend, they knew each other long before Kenna me either Odinson brother. She worked for their father, she was the last remaining Valkyrie. Still Kenna bristled at the sight of her.

"Odinson," Valkyrie said back, then she looked at Kenna and squinted, "you said you moved on."

"No, you said I moved on, I just never disagreed with you." Kenna reminded her, glancing around to make sure they were still alone. "As nice as this little reunion has been, we need to go."

"I could tell the Grandmaster." Valkyrie said quickly as Kenna turned to leave, making her turn back again. She slowly stepped forward, beaching herself to fight her.

"You wouldn't dare," Kenna warned, feeling the heat at her fingertips, she was holding back the flames but she could still feel them just in her reach should she need them.

"Why's that Princess?" Valkyrie stepped forwards to meet her but she stumbled on the way. Kenna smirked, she was drunk. Kenna could smell the brandy on her breath

"You have no idea what I'm capable of," Kenna hissed, narrowing her eyes. She felt Loki's hand grab her arm to pull her back.

"Valkyrie, I know you have lost faith in Odin," he started, ever so slightly inching Kenna away. Kenna and Valkyrie never broke eye contact. "But I need you to let us leave, just this once. Then you never have to see us again, think about it, if we're here you'll have to see us all the time."

Finally Valkyrie snapped her eyes away from Kenna to Loki, to his hand on Kenna's arm, and back to his face. "I want to go home," she said, "I want to be welcomed back into Asgard."

"We can do that," Kenna said, drawing her attention back to her, "you just have to come with us to the ships."

"I have a better idea," Valkyrie looked between the two and smiled, "we're going to start a revolution."


They split up, boys and girls. Loki and Peter went off towards the garage to get a ship, and Kenna and Valkyrie went to find a distraction.

They managed to slip past all the guards and to the contestants holding area. Valkyrie went over to a computer system and pulled out her shocker remote. "Does that control everyone?" Valkyrie didn't reply so Kenna rolled her eyes.

"Done," Valkyrie muttered. She pressed the button to open the door and the two walked in side by side.

Korg was sitting playing pebble chess with another contestant but their game was abandoned. Instead they were staring at their shockers, now on the floor.

"Hey Korg," Kenna laughed, "you said something about a revolution?"


"So that's Valkyrie," Peter said, following after Loki.

"Concentrate," after they were ambushed by the Grandmaster yesterday Loki suggested anytime they walk anywhere Peter use his spidey-sense to make sure there was no one coming.

They got to the garage building and stopped outside the door. "We go in," Loki said, "you web them up, we get past. Got it?" Peter nodded once and put his mask back over his head. Loki began to mouth, 'three two one'

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