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Kenna felt something tickling her ankle when she woke up. She could feel the cold air on her feet and it made her shiver. She peered down and saw Loki sitting at the end of the bed gently signing his name up the soft part on the inside of her ankle. He glanced up when she shifted, grinning slightly. "I was thinking, it would be so much nicer if the names were in our own handwriting." He said simply, crawling over the sheets, marker still in hand.

She opened her mouth to tell him that he was getting kicked out if he got ink on her sheets but he caught the words with a kiss before she could say them. She humphed and then laughed against him. "Good morning to you too." He pushed him back slightly, leaving her hand where they lay on his shoulders. "Gimme the pen then." She said, taking it from him.

She hovered the top over his collar, deciding exactly where she wanted to write her name. Then in a fluid motion the letters were scrawled across the bare skin.

"You know that ink bleeds right? It's not going to look like an actual word by the time we get to the parlour." She said, blowing on it gently to dry the ink. "And this is the weirdest thing I have ever done." Loki wrapped his arms around her middle, clasping his hands together behind her back. He pulled her closer so she was sitting across his lap. In an attempt to get comfortable she shifted her legs, but it backfired and she found herself sitting with her legs wrapped around his back.

"If that's what you wanted, you should have just said so," he kissed along her jaw.

"You know this is your fault."

"Are you complaining?" He pressed a kiss just below her ear, moving her head to the side to do so.

"Good morning Miss Stark," Jarvis made her jump. "Mr Stark requires to see you in the Avengers meeting room. He has a surprise for you, and you Sir." Kenna squeezed her eyes shut, letting her head fall against Loki's chest. Her shoulders shook a few times and Loki had trouble figuring out if she was laughing or crying. The wheezing noise she made answered his question. She was laughing.

"I think he knows," Kenna said, kissing where she wrote her name. "Tattoos will have to wait."

"Or your father could wait." Loki sounded like a petulant child and it only made Kenna laugh harder.

"Do you know what will happen if we're not down there in the next 10 minutes?" Loki shook his head, but she knew he was lying. "Oh shut up, you know exactly what he'd do."

"He would send the spider child."

"And do you think Peter wants to see us like this?"


"So let's not traumatise him please. I promise we can spend the whole day together, after we see my dad."

"There's just one problem," she cocked her head to the side, "you're sitting on me."


"Hey dad, what's up?" Kenna smiled as she walked through the door, an ever-so-slightly grumpy Loki behind her.

"Good you're both here," from what Kenna could see Tony had been up all night. His lab was a mess of mechanics and broken parts. Tony himself was not visible from the door, instead crouched in front of a suit behind a table. Kenna walked around the table and saw him sitting on the floor, cross legged, equipment scattered within reaching distance. "Come sit." Kenna looked back warily at Loki but lowered herself to the floor anyway. Loki stayed standing, but moved closer.

"What did you need dad?" Kenna asked, now one hundred percent confused. "We've not even had breakfast yet."

"I had a gift for you." He turned his face to her and she caught the whiff of bourbon on his breath.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now