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Kenna held onto Loki's hand for the whole funeral. They stood at the front of the procession, right at the close of the river.

Odin's lifeless body was drifted out in a small boat. Orders were exchanged and twelve flaming arrows were let loose and landed in the boat.

As the boat neared the edge of the waterfall she expected it to go right over. Instead it carried on its path in a straight line. A shimmering light rose from it and lifted higher into the dark sky. After that the boat fell.

He was in Valhalla now.

Valkyrie assured her of as much at the feast afterwards. The two sat with Sif at the edge of the room. Kenna watched Loki with slight concern. He hadn't taken well to people offering him condolences, in fact he had begun to tire of it in the last week. So now she watched him, waiting to see if she needed to intervene.

"I heard you turned down the throne." Valkyrie said. Kenna tore her gaze from Loki to look at her and nodded.

"I have Loki and my family," at the mention of family she discreetly ran a hand over her stomach, "what more could I ask for?"

"That's what would have made you a great Queen," Sif told her, taking ahold of her hand.

"Thor is happy as king, he was born for this." Kenna argued lightly, glancing at Thor at the top table with Frigga. He stayed with her while Loki made the rounds, a set up in which they had swapped only moments before.

"Some may argue you were too." Valkyrie said.

"I'll admit, it would be nice."

"So challenge him for the throne."

"I won't challenge him, and certainly not at his father's funeral." Kenna scoffed, "he is my brother and I will not deny him of what he has wanted his entire life."

"He hasn't actually." Sif remarked, causing the other two to look at her, confused, "before he did, when he was young and naive. Before the first Frost Giant attack, before he was banished to earth, before Loki fell from the Bifrost, he wanted nothing more than to be King. Then he found his true purpose, he was never meant to sit on a throne and shout orders, he was the one to follow them. He would never be happy as a king, only as a warrior, protecting the Nine Realms while someone else led them."

"It's done now,"

"Talk to him, it may not be."

"What is it you Midgardians say?" Valkyrie poked her arm, "it ain't over until the fat lady sings."

"The question is," Sif continued, "do you want to be Queen? Forget everything else, forget Loki, forget Thor, forget it all. Do you want to be the Queen of Asgard?"

Kenna thought about it for a long minute. She breathed heavily when she finally answered, "yes."


Kenna didn't mention the shift of power until the next morning. When she sat in on the first council meeting with Loki, Frigga and Thor, along with all of Odin's old advisors.

"As The Allfather did not officially name his heir before his passing, it is still open to any of the three eligible. Prince Thor, Son of Odin, Prince Loki, Son of Odin, Princess Kenn, Daughter of Anthony." One advisor spoke in a loud voice to carry it all the way along the enormously long table.

"I relinquish my claim," Loki said just as loud. Kenna squeezed his hand, knowing how hard it was for him to do such a thing. "And I will supply my support to my next King."

Kenna's heart pounded, all she had to do was say the same. Thor would be king and she could go home with Loki.

So why couldn't she? Her voice seemed to get stuck in her throat.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now