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Stop! Please please make it stop! Aggh!

Everything was white. Everything was fuzzy. The cotton was still plaguing her brain.

Stop! Please!

Her head was aching. Her palms were sweaty. Her throat was raw. Sounds of her own screams filled her head.

It sounded like she was hearing her own screams through a wall. They were too muffled. She wasn't in her own head. Or something was blocking her head.

The cotton.

Kenna's eyes flew open and she instantly winced.

It was too bright. She couldn't hear anything. Voices swirled around her. Voices she recognised, voices she didn't.

Her dad. Bruce. Thor. Another mans he did not know.

No Loki.

Her eyes adjusted to the light as her ears adjusted to the noise.

Slowly it began to trickle back in, until words could be formed and sentences understood.

The first thing she heard was her name. "Kenna." It was soft. Her head still felt like it was underwater.

"Loki." Her throat was dry. Any sound was like grating two rocks together.

"Don't try and speak, Kenna." Her dad's face appeared above her, blocking out the pure white roof. "I am so glad you're okay."

"W-where- is-" she wheezed.

"Don't try to speak." He had been crying, that much she was certain of.

Kenna slipped in and out of consciousness over the week. She was fed by IV fluids being given to her every few hours. She was never awake longer than a matter of minutes.

Eventually as April turned to May she got better. She could stay awake for longer, she began to sit up. And her speech returned gradually.

By the 7th of May she was the picture of heath again. Still she had not seen Loki yet.

He had not visited her once. All the others had, she could barely keep them away.

The man she did not recognise was introduced to her a Dr Stephen Strange.

Still she did not see Loki.

She was sitting in her bed in the hospital wing getting ready to be cleared when she finally plucked up the courage to ask. It was only her and Stephen there, her dad was somewhere else.

"Where is Loki?"

"I believe he is in his room."

"So he's okay?" Stephen nodded, bringing over a blood pressure gauge.

"Why- why hasn't he come to see me?"

Stephen did not have an answer for her and she humpfed and let him get on with his job.

Once he officially cleared her she thanked him and left. Walking was difficult after so long in a bed but she found her way to Loki's room so easy.

She knocked on the door softly and he answered from inside. "Go away Thor!"

"It's not Thor, it's Kenna."


She began to get impatient so she turned the handle and let herself in.

"I could have been indecent." He tried to joke but it came off flat. The room was a mess, his desk chair broken against a wall, everything that once lived on his desk was thrown across the floor. The bed was not only unmade but the covers had been thrown and ripped.

Kenna StarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora