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Two months later.
July 19th 2018

Stark tower was alive with song. All except one were singing. The only one not singing was Kenna, for she was being sung to. The others were standing around the lounge surrounded by brightly wrapped boxes singing when Tony walked her into the room with her eyes shut.

As soon as she heard the singing she opened her eyes. A smile spread over her face as she waited for them to stop. All around the room hung streamers and banners.

Happy 23rd Birthday Kenna

Finally the song ended and she was enveloped in loads of tight congratulatory hugs. She was presented with a tiara and a sash to wear and sat down in the little of the sofa circle. The others gathered around while she opened her presents.

Science equipment, clothes and more. When all the boxes were opened Bruce and Tony stood up and each held out a hand for her. She suspiciously took them and they stood her up. Nat walked behind her, her hands covering her eyes as Bruce and Tony walked her out of the lounge.

She was aware of everyone else following after, speaking in excited hushed tones until Pepper shushed them all. She felt herself getting walked up the stairs, probably being used because there was no way you could fit everyone in the elevator. Then she heard Pepper's heels clipping on the floor as she sped walked them. A door was opened and she was walked forwards.

Finally Bruce and Tony came to a halt and let go of her hands. She dropped them by her sides and waited for Nat to move her hands. Finally she did.

Kenna found herself standing in the middle of an empty lab. The cupboards and counters lining the walls were bare. There were several tables in the centre of the room and the whole room was decked out with things she suspected had something to do with Jarvis. As keeping with the theme of the other labs the walls were glass starting from halfway up where the counters ended, the floors and what very little wall there was were white.

"I don't understand." Tony placed his hands on either on her her shoulders from behind her and turned her around to look at the computer pad beside the door. It had a keypad and a space for a fingerprint lock. Below it was a metal name plaque.

Miss Kenna E Stark

"Do you understand now?" Kenna flung herself around to stare wide eyed at everyone. She was met with excited grins and a few winks.

"Is this mine?"

"In a few years," Steve said, pointing towards the name plaque, "we will change that to Doctor Kenna E Stark."

"I don't know what to say." She ran to hug Tony and soon most people were joining in until it was just one massive Avenger group hug.

"There's one more thing," Tony said, pulling her gently by the arm towards a blank white wall. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a mechanical looking bracelet.

"No offence, but I think I prefer the lab."

"That's not it," he lifted her arm so it was outstretched and pressed a little button on the bracelet.

All of a sudden the wall began to move, blue lights shone to reveal a pattern in the door and one straight line down the middle. That what where the wall came apart. It wasn't a wall at all, Kenna realised, but a door. The doors separated and there was a mannequin standing behind it.

No, wrong again.

Not a mannequin, a suit.

The individual pieces of the suit moved when the door opened fully and flew to her. They attached themselves to her body in various places, just as she had seen the Ironman suit do so many times before.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now