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"We found them." Steve had been missing from breakfast the next morning and he suddenly burst in halfway through.

"Found who?" Pepper asked.

"The Auree, seems like they have taken over a bar downtown," Steve sat down and showed everyone the pictures in his hand. "I can only assume they killed the original patrons and have taken their place."

Kenna picked up one of the photos and gulped. She felt a shiver roll down her spine and Loki's hand went to her knee in comfort. "That's them alright," she put the picture down, "my head is still ringing."

"Okay," Tony said, "everyone suit up. Kenna, Pepper-"

"Bunker, yes yes." Kenna stood, a little too aggressively and walked from the room. Loki followed after her. He grabbed her arm and stopped her, well aware everyone could see them through the walls. "I'm going to the safety of my bunker." She snapped.

"I just wanted you to know, that I think you would be amazing if you came with us."

"Except his lordship will never let that happen."

"No one can take your crown, remember."

"Loki, this is one thing that my dad will never let up on," she smiled sadly, "I've come to terms with that. Just promise me something?" He nodded. "Come home to me." He responded by pressing a kiss to her lips. They both smiled when they parted. "That better not have been a goodbye kiss."

"Never, my darling."

By now the dining room had cleared out as the team were getting ready to leave. Pepper was standing a little way away from them, trying not to be awkward.

Loki kissed Kenna once more quickly before walking off to meet the others. Pepper took ahold of Kenna's wrist and they walked towards the lift. Kenna was glad that Tony hadn't set of the warning alarm, because the lifts shut down in that instance and she has to take the stairs.

"You don't normally come with me." She remarked once Pepper let go of her wrist.

"I usually lock myself in the apartment upstairs." She said, which was something Kenna already knew. "Now Tony is scared that if they got in once they can do it again, so he wants us together where we can protect one another."

The reached the bunker and Pepper opened it. Immediately once the door was shut and locked Kenna launched into her routine. "Jarvis, lights, camera, action."

"Right away Miss Stark."

The lights flicked on first, then the projection of the CCTV and last came the radio comms. "Do you do this every time?" Pepper asked, sitting on the sofa.

"Yeah, makes me feel better if I know what's going on." She went to sit beside her but her eye caught on something else.

A dried patch of blood was staining the concrete floor. She swallowed a little and walked away from it. "I guess we should get someone to clean that."

"I didn't know I bled that much."

Neither said anything else. They watched as Jarvis showed them security footage from the area of the bar. One camera showed the front door, another was behind the building and a few others from the street. But there was no camera at the front.

So when Loki walked in, full black suit on, she lost him. "What are they doing?" She asked, "why isn't he wearing his armour?"

Her question was answered over the comms.

Loki remember stay calm, all the ones who were close to you are dead, they shouldn't recognise you. Just order a drink.

I understand, Stark.

Kenna StarkWhere stories live. Discover now