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TW: suicide and rape


i'm in pain. i can't do this anymore. i just wanna die already. my day started off again by getting raped again by my boyfriend named carlos. my body was in so much pain. i slowly got up from the bed while he was sleeping and limped to my house. it was 5:30 in the morning.

once i got home i laid down on my bed while tears were burning down my cheeks from all the pain i was in. i held my knees together and cried until i saw a knife on the desk. i wrote a note for my family.

Dear family,

your probably wondering why your 14 year old daughter is writing a note like this. as of right now you now know i killed myself. i'm so sorry i did this but i was in so much pain. my boyfriend carlos has been raping me the day we started dating but i was scared to say anything. mommy you were the best mom ever, i love you so much and i'll miss you. dad don't ever think it was your fault for not "protecting your little girl" you didn't know and that's my fault ok i love and miss you ok. maiya i'm so sorry you won't have your older sister anymore to help you with your first period, first heartbreak, and first kiss but just now i love you so much. and lastly my twin brother kairi jeez you were the best brother ever, always there for me when i needed you and no one had a bond with there sibling like me and you did, i love you kai. again my beautiful family i'm so sorry and i love and miss you guys so much but this is goodbye.

-y/n cosentino

tears were on the paper. my mom and dad gave me the best life i could ever ask for but the pain is just to much. i laid the note next to where my dead body would be. it was now 8:30 in the morning and i picked up the knife. i slowly slid the knife through my wrist but i didn't feel any pain. i did the same to my other wrist. i watched as the blood dropped on the floor then everything went black.


i woke up the next morning ready to annoy y/n my twin sister. i sat up smiling and walked to her room. my heart dropped when i saw her body on the floor.

kairi: oh! y/n!
i ran to her trying to figure out what to do. i grabbed y/n's head and pulled her against my chest.

i screamed with tears dropping down my face. my screams caught the attention of my mom and dad.

the barged into the room and saw me holding y/n close to me crying. my mom dropped to the floor while crying.

mom: oh y/n! no! my baby! CALL 911
she screamed. luckily maiya was at her friends house so she didn't see y/n.

a: hi

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