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the family all sat down at the table waiting for someone to speak.

ariana was nervous hoping kairi and maiya wouldn't get mad at her for knowing. she was scared she was gonna lose her brother after she just got him back. ariana was scared about losing maiyas trust.

kairi on the other hand was confused and worried. he knew something was horribly wrong by ariana's and his moms face expression.

maiya was catching on already since her dad hasn't came back home after 2 days. she wanted to think he was in a business trip since he had that every 2 months.

now ms cosentino was trying not to breakdown in front of kairi and maiya since she already did in front of ariana. the memories of her and her ex husband came flooding back making her cry.

"mom what's going on" maiya asked nervous with a feeling in her stomach she never felt.

"give her time maiya" kairi said already knowing what his mom was gonna saw.

"me and dad are getting a divorce" ms cosentino blurted out.

kairi's and maiya heart dropped to the floor, even though they had a feeling they didn't want to believe it. ariana looked down wiping a tear that streamed down. kairi wanted to know why bug maiya just wanted to cry and scream.

"w-what why" kairi said almost on the verge of crying.

"a-ariana" there mom said placing her hand on the daughters shoulder.

"h-he cheated" ariana said answering her twin brothers question.

kairi got up and threw a vase on the floor breaking it as the 3 girls flinched at his actions. maiya got up and ran to her room slamming the door shut.

"you knew and didn't tell me" kairi screamed pointing to his sister who was now crying.

"kai" was all she can let out.

"no! why didn't you tell me! i could have been there for mom!" he pointed towards his mom who was crying even more.

"it isn't her fault kairi! i made her not tell you guys ok!" his mom yelled standing up from the seat she was sitting in.

"BULLSHIT YOUR SELFISH" kairi yelled pointing at ariana.

"i'm selfish" ariana yelled back even more pissed.

"i wanted to fucking tell you so much but i couldn't because it was moms place not mine kairi, how dare you call me selfish when i forgave you after you not coming to rehab and visiting me for 2 fucking years" she screamed still crying and voice breaking.

"oh my god it always comes back to rehab" kairi scoffed placing his hands over his head.

"i gave you fucking sighs kairi when we was 14 years old dude, i tried telling you my feelings but you fucking shut me down on the damn time until i stopped talking until i fucking tried killing myself that's when you noticed me oh but i don't think you cared because you didn't visit me, i was there kairi ME I WAS for YOU but when i needed you, you were no where to be found" ariana yelled shutting him up.

"fuck you" was all ariana said before walking upstairs and closing her door.

"really kairi" ms cosentinos said breaking the silence.

"mom i-i" his mom cut him off.

"go to your room kairi" she pointed up to his room as she watched him walk upstairs.


me selfish?! nah fuck him. i forgave him after all the shit that happened and he has the audacity to call me fucking selfish.

but then i do understand because i didn't tell him nothing but it's not my fault.

it's no ones fault but dads for cheating.

don't think or judge, just listen

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