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so barely anyone has told me shit which i find hard to believe. i'm currently walking to the bathroom to take a big shit.

"hey ariana" i heard someone shout out. i turned around to see a big group of girls.

"um yes" i asked stopping in my tracks.

"listen here you little bitch stay away from kairi and any of the boys or else we will all beat the shit outta you" me being me i busted out laughing.

"you don't scare me" i tried walking away but one of them pulled me back.

"your still the girl who tried to commit but failed to so don't act all that by the boys being friends with you how about you go try to kill again but this time don't fail" that's it. i punched that bitch right in her fucking mouth.

her friends screamed and ran away but i just kept punching. i think i broke some of her teeth.

"you wanna fucking tell me to kill myself you stupid bitch" i punched and punched even if my hands were hurting.

"GET HER OFF" i heard someone yell then next thing i know i'm getting flung over someone's shoulder.

"get her to the hospital and take y/n to my office now" oh great the principal.

i kept kicking and punching till i was thrown in one of the chairs inside his office.

"don't fucking touch me again" i spat at one of the security guards as i saw him wipe his face.

"shut up" the principal yelled at me while sitting down. he sent the guards out.

"really ariana your first day back" he crossed his arms stressed out.

"well she was talking shit" i snapped getting more mad by the second.

"what did she say tell me what she said" he said trying to stay calm.

"she told me to kill myself and to not fail this time" i yelled and punched the wall.

"ariana i'm sorry" he said feeling sad and guilty.

"i don't need your pity" i said grabbing my stuff and walking out the door, slamming it.

i didnt feel like dealing with the other snakes in this damn school so i left. when i got home mom and dad were in the kitchen talking.

"what are you doing here" dad asked some what scared.

"i had a bad day now why are both of you home" i emphasized the "you" and sat at the table.

"me and your dad want a divorce" she simply said while my mouth dropped to the floor.

"WHAT" mom and dad just stared at eachother then passed me a paper.

Divorce Papers

will both sign this paper in order to get a divorce. please leave any comments or questions at the bottom!

was all i read until i saw both there names signed. my heart was shattered.

"w-why do you guys want a d-divorce" i stuttered, my voice cracking.

"we aren't happy anymore ariana" dad said plainly.

"don't you dare lie to our daughter tell her the truth" mom yelled with hurt in her voice. my dad flinched then looked down.

"i-i cheated and now the girl is pregnant" my mouth dropped even more.

"so n-now you are leaving to be with that slut and her mistake child" i screamed throwing the papers at my dad.

"ariana calm down" he said holding up his hands and trying to stop me.

"i cant fucking believe you! how dare you cheat and go make another fucking family!" i yelled mad hit him with ever word coming out my mouth.

"why dad why TELL ME WHY after everything mom did for you this is how you repay her!" i just wanted to let it all out.

"hope your happy with your new fucking happy" i said and went to the stairs. before i went to my room i looked back and said.

"you disgust me"


let me tell you something. wtv you are going through rn i need you to push through because whatever is happening you can't run away from it the only to get past it is by going through it not around it, not over it, not under it, through it and trust me it's hard but look at the person you are becoming. i'm proud of you even if it's a stranger and it might not matter but i'm very so much proud of you.

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