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"you think i'm stupid i know you guys are siblings" i said to kairi and ariana, there eyes went wide.

"no we aren't" ariana chuckled nervously while kairi just laughed trying to stay cool.

"you guys think i'm an idiot like the rest of the group? NO! you look the same, i don't know how the boys don't see it but you do. same nose, same eyes, same laugh, same hair color well if kairi didnt die his hair, same ears, it's like your twins" i continued on.

"it all makes sense now" i said amazed about how i'm seeing it all, they look the exact same.

"arianas mom and dad didn't leave her because you have the same mom and dad! maiya is like the mini ariana with the same fucking attitude! don't even get me started on rehab....actually no" i took a breath.

"kairi you didn't tell anyone about ariana, it made it easier since no one know her last name so when she went to rehab you just decided to never mention her. GOD i'm so fucking smart" i jumped around laughing putting the pieces together.

"ok ok shut up u caught us" kairi surrendered and ariana rolled her eyes.

"when did you catch up" she asked, oh oh oh i caught up when first month you came back. why am i still talking in my brain?

"i caught on the first month you came" i answered.

"don't tell the boys yet" ariana whispered yelled pointing her finger at the boys then to me.

"tú entiendes" she said finally, my eyes widen and i smiled.

translation: you understand

"sabes español" i asked as she turned away for a quick second.

translation: you speak spanish

"la rehabilitación ayuda mucho" ariana said finally seeing kairi hella fucking confused.

translation: rehab helps a lot

"what did you fuckers just say" kairi asked very confused, he played with his hair.

"nothing but give us a 2 more weeks and i'll tell the boy well me and kairi will" ariana finally said as kairi agreed with her.

"ok but if you don't tell the boys i will" i said lastly before walking to the table.

"what was that about" roshuan asked suspiciously, ariana sat next to mattia placing her head on his shoulder while kairi sat next to me.

"oh nothing just about mr harris class" i lied gulping down something large in my throat.

"ok but who cares" alvaro joked causing me to roll my eyes.


we all continued talking until i felt someone tap me on the shoulder. we all turned to see lia the biggest fucking backstabber in the whole world.

"what now lia" i questioned annoyed standing up to face her as i saw water start forming, i squinted my eyes a bit.

"can we talk" she questioned turning around quickly wiping a tear that almost fell down. i looked over at kairi seeing he nodded.

"where" i asked.

"bathroom" she continued walking as i followed her.

what does this bitch want now? probably her and her bitchy ass friends gonna jump me but i'll fight back,  i always do.

"so what" i spat, she sighed and sat on the sink putting one leg over the other.

"listen i'm going to say this in the most normal way possible" she started as i leaned up against the wall crossing my arms.

"me jessica and damian have been planning on killing carlos" my mouth dropped open.

emotions filled my body.





all the normal emotions you would feel when someone told you something that you either hated or felt weird about.

"w-what- i" i was cut off by her.

"no let me explain, i lied about everything, about sleeping with carlos. i just needed a reason for you to hate me so that you would be more safer while i was planning with jess and damian" then she told me the whole story.

i was relieved about everything i just heard, it was all fake, lia never did anything wrong she just wanted to protect me.

"i missed you ariana" she said finally before grabbing my arms pulling me into the tightest hug and all i could do was hug back.

"can we please be friends again" she asked hoping i would say yes.

"of course" i answered and we hugged again.

"NO ONE and i mean NO ONE could know, not even kairi ariana cuz if someone finds out then the whole plan is ruined. we can't be seen together either, it has to be "normal" we have to hate eachother just for a little bit more time" she explained.

"ok well i should get back to the boys then" i said as she smiled one more time.

"love you" i said before walking out the door.

"love you to" her muffled voice said as i smiled wide.

Don't take up smoking cigarettes either. "Oh, but it relieves stress!" or "It makes you cool" or "All my friends do it" - I've heard all this crap. Yeah, well it's not a reason to start it. It kills too. It's dangerous. It's addictive and it's hard as heck to come off of. Everyone I've hung out with has smoked and let's just say they all have something in common: an addiction.

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