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"get up we have school" kairi said pushing me back and forth as u groaned in annoyance.

"fuck that shit" i snapped placing a pillow over my head hearing him sign.

"MOM" he yelled, i threw the pillow to the other side of my bed and stood up quickly.

"stop stop" i pleaded not wanting mom to come in here and whoop my ass.

"moms not even here" he told me while laughing, i stuck my middle finger at him as he was leaving my room.

"yeah i'll just close my door SINCE SOMEONE CANT DO IT HIMSELF" i yelled slamming my door.

"GOOD FOR YOU" his muffled voice yelled back.

i rolled my eyes and stuck up the middle finger over and over again at the poor door that didn't do anything.

"this is cute" i said putting the outfit together.

"this is cute" i said putting the outfit together

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yup yup! oh yup! look at this bitch. uh huh lookin sexy asf. i might just get some dic-

"ARIANA HURRY YOUR ASS UP" MF scared the shit outta me.

but damn just imagine how big mattias dick would be. just think about it, i bet it's 10 inc-


"i'm coming you dick" i yelled swinging my door open grabbing my backpack that was laying by the wall.

i closed my door petting milo on my way downstairs, into the kitchen snatching maiyas apple and biting it.

"HEY" she yelled, catching it as i threw it back at her smirking.

"let's go fuckheads" i said walking out the door hearing footsteps behind me.

"did you brush your teeth nasty ass" kairi asked as he started the car.

"yes i did, wanna smell?" i said sarcastically opening my mouth up.

"get the fuck outta my face" kairi said as he pushed my face away from him, i slapped him on his arm.

"can you guys like drive" maiya told us annoyed while texting someone.

"who are you texting" kairi asked pulling out the drive way.

"nobody" she answered putting her phone away and looking straight ahead.

me and kairi looked at eachother confused until my eyes went wide by remembering what she told me. maiya is probably texting what's his name-


ahhhh that's it, i looked away from kairi seeing he was getting suspicious.

"maiya give me your phone" kairi said, her eyes rolled as she shook her head no.

"your not my dad" she spat.

"dad left maiya and i have to step up" he yelled and snatched her phone away from her.

"ariana do something" she told me as kairi started going through the texts.

"maiya-" i started but an angry kairi cut off.

"your fucking texting gianmarco" he yelled pissed as he could be.

"whats wrong with that" she yelled back.

"he's not good for you" kairi snapped throwing her phone to the back of the car.

"he's a 14 year old kairi how can you know who's good for me and who's not" maiya snapped.

"let's just go to school you guys are annoying me" i yelled getting there attention.

kairi stopped at the front of the school for maiya to get out, before we could say bye she ran out the car to her little friends.

"listen i know i'm not dad but-" he started but i cut him off.

"no i understand kairi i really do, we both kinda grew up with a father figure but maiya only had him for what 13 years and we had him 17 years so i know where your coming from but she is getting older and is in need for space. you already know mom so space from you is what she needs right now, and yes maiya still does need to be protected from the horrible world we live in but not to the point where she feels invaded and attacked"

"your right but i just don't want her dating gianmarco, she's still a teenager and needs to live her life" kairi said back while starting to drive to our school.

"well once we get home keys all have a sit down" i suggested and he agreed.

Don't do drugs. They'll ruin your life. Sure, you think drugs are cool because everyone else does it, but the fact is that drugs are a terrible choice that end up being an addiction and will ruin your life. I've seen it all and that's not something you want to get involved in. It's not cool. It's not cool to overdose. It's not cool to let the drugs take a hold which leads up to you failing grades, getting fired from a job, preventing you from attaining a job, becoming homeless, and becoming broke. Drugs are not cool.

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