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my heart sunk to the floor, my best friend who i thought died is standing right in front of me, the one who i cried for everyday, the one that i loved and cared for.

tears burned down both our cheeks as the tension grew and grew. not one word was spoken, not one movement, not one breath.

just quiet

i wanted to hug her but i couldn't move it felt thousands of knifes were stabbing me over and over again.

"y-your alive" i cried as she nodded.

"y-you made me think you were d-dead" i said as the anger built up.

"y-you made me cry for something that wasn't even true" i yelled.

"listen i'm sorry but we can't talk out here" she pulled me in and shut the door.

"we are still outside" gabriel's muffled voice shouted.

"GO AWAY ILL CALL YOU LATER" jessica screamed as i was still crying.

i heard the boys scoff and walk away from the door, jessica smiled at me while placing her hands on my cheeks.

"i missed you" she cried.

"i missed you more" i said as i was pulled in for a hug, my arms wrapped tightly around her as she did the same.

we both just cried in eachothers arms but i had questions to ask her.

"why did you fake your death" i asked as she sighed.

"come sit" i followed her to this room where it looked exactly like the one back at her house.

"pete is name is pete, yes it was true he kidnapped and raped me. he buried me alive and thought i would die but i found a way out. i had someone help me to make a dead body that looked exactly like me so pete would think i was dead and never come after me again, ariana i was scared so i faked my death but i watched you, don't you dare care me a stalker cuz i'm not but i saw everything you did as if i was right by you, heard everything. when you ran away i was proud that you met the boys, now with kairi yes what he did was wrong but ariana he saw you dead on the ground, imagine finding kairi on the floor. he wasn't ready but before i faked everything i told him everything you did because he really wanted to know but he couldn't face you" she said as i listened.

"but things he told me wasn't right" i said.

"and i know that but at least he's trying ariana, don't you want your brother back?" she asked as i nodded slowly.

"then get him back, share your feelings to one another, tell him why you ran away" i looked down remembering i told him it was him.

"i told him it was his fault but really it was everyone's fault" i mumbled.

"then talk to him ariana, i know you want him back i'm not stupid, i'm your best friend"

"ok i will" i said wiping off the rest of my tears.

"but for now let's catch up" she smiled as she pulled out 2 chairs.

"your finally out of rehab, i missed a year" she said as a tear slipped out her eye.

"yeah it was hard without you by my side but at least your alive" i said as i tried so hard not to cry.

"how's lena" she asked,  shit i need to visit her.

"she's doing good but i need to visit her" jessica nodded.

"did damian at least faked he missed me" she asked, i slowly shook my head heading her scoff.

"he didn't come to your funeral" i said truthfully.

"i know i was there"

"a-and my p-parents" she cried.

"they m-miss you but still going strong" i said looking down, jessica laughed.

"i really hope they forgive me" she wiped the tears.

"why won't they" i questioned.

"i faked my death, cause them tears, it- it was hard on them" she looked out the window.

"but they are going to be happy to see you" i said as she nodded again.


"soon i'll be able to come back and be normal but it's going to be hard yk. people are gonna have questions" jessica said rubbing her head.

"well yeah you were everywhere on the news and over the world" i said as she chuckled.

"but you'll be by my side" she pushed my shoulder as i smiled.

"i love you ariana"

"i love you to jessica"

we hugged and watched movies together catching up with everything.

i really hope she comes out and tells everyone she's alive because god it was so hard to live without her and now that i found her.

i couldn't thank more than the guys, they helped me find her but something so stupid.

i laid my head on her shoulders as she laid her head on the top of my head.

seeing jessica made me realize how much i needed her in my life and i already knew before when i thought she was dead but seeing her alive just changed everything.

i knew she was gonna talk to me about kairi, she loved me and kairi's bond since she never had that with her brother.

before i found out jessica is alive i always thought damian had something to do with her death but no.

but why did he not care for his sister? why didn't he care that she was "dead"?

No task is beneath you.

Don't put yourself above anyone or anything; work hard in silence and let success make the noise.

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