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July 20th, 2020

12:00 am


i kissed mattia's hand over and over again as tears streamed down my face, this wasn't supposed to happen.

i was supposed to get shot not mattia, he did nothing wrong.

"don't fucking yell at me jessica! ariana did what she had to do" lia spat harshly, defending my side.

"well what the fuck are we gonna do know! it obviously looks like a fucking murder!" jessica snapped back.

"if mattia minded his own business he wouldn't be in the fucking bed" that was ny last straw.

i stood up, walking outside of the room kevin put us in.

"how dare you blame this on mattia! he did nothing wrong, he saved my life" i defended.

"i was doing perfectly fine jessica knowing you were dead, i grieved you. but you had to come back in and tell me everything that happened. i love you so much jess but this is not mattia's fault, this is yours" i said finally.

i walked back into the room and sat down next to mattia, taking his hand in mine.

"hey baby, kevin said your pulling through and your going to make it" i smiled, feeling the tear go down.

"i'm so sorry for putting you in this bed, it should've been me. but mostly i'm sorry for cheating on you" i continued.

"after you heal the best thing for you is to move on and live your life like you never met me mattia cuz that is the best. i'll go back to being kairi's secret sister you never knew, maybe i'll even move in with my aunt" i played with his hair.

"just know i love you so much" i said lastly, giving him a kiss on the lips.


"she's what" alvaro yelled out loud.

"she's my sister" i said again, alejandro acted surprised while roshuan looked down.

"where the fuck is mattia" roshuan said madly, trying to call him again.

"you gotta tell him he's dating your sister" alejandro included shaking his head.

"shut the fuck up ale, i'm getting worried now" i spat pacing around my room.

"why it's just mattia" alvaro asked.

"because mattia or ariana isn't answering and no they aren't together. ariana went with lia for the day and she isn't back yet" i told them.

"fuck" alejandro mumbled, roshuan sat down with his head on his knees and alvaro laid on my bed.

"they are both fine" alvaro said again.

then my phone started ringing, i looked at it seeing the contact name "twin bitch"

"kairi come to the location i sent you" i heard her say through the phone.

"why-" then she hung up.

"we gotta go now" i said as we dashed out my door and into alvaros car.


"what the fuck is this place" roshuan asked, staring at the black building with no windows, just a door.

"i don't have a good feeling about this" alejandro added on.

"kairi" i heard alvaro say.

i didn't answer just walked up to the door and pushed it open, some men were on each side but gave me a look "keep going".

"kairi" i heard her say.

"ariana" i ran to her and hugged her tightly.

"i'm guessing you told them" ariana pointed to roshuan and alvaro.

"yeah" i said.

"follow me" i saw as her eyes started watering.


"holy shit what the fuck happened" roshuan yelled, looking at mattia who was laying on the bed with a bandage wrapped around his side.

"mattia" alvaro yelled rushing to his side as alejandro did the same.

"what did you do" kairi asked calmly, looking at me.

"let me explain" someone said, we turned to see jessica.

"your alive" kairi spoke, surprised.

"what's up shorty" she smiled, they hugged as i rolled my eyes. kissing mattia's forehead.

"don't ask questions, just listen" lia continued on checking mattia's wound.

Trust yourself.

Have faith in your abilities! You are capable of so much more that you think. Trust your gut instinct and listen to your inner voice, your inborn truth. You need to trust yourself first, before others can trust you.

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