"fudgecakes" ~2

Começar do início

"Oh, I didn't, I just wanted to see your reaction." I smiled cheekily. The crowd that we had apparently started attracting laughed at my comment. I smiled inwardly at the fact that I could bring a smile to their faces. Maybe today wont be so bad after all.


I rushed into my photography class, thankful that the last class was my favorite, and that I managed to make it on time. Panting a little, I smiled sheepishly at the teacher who gave me a somewhat amused look.

"Ah, you must be the new student, why don't you come up to the front of the class and give your name, an interesting fact about you, and why you chose photography as an elective?"

"Fudgecakes" I whispered to myself. I walked to the front of the classroom, and sadly started speaking, the faster I said this, the faster I could sit down and become invisible.

"Uhh, Hi my name's Rosalyn I'm from Georgia and I chose photography because I love taking pictures." I rushed out.

"Nice to meet you Rosalyn, you can take a seat anywhere you'd like." The teacher, who's name I recently learned was Mr. Smith, said. I fast walked to the back corner of the classroom and sat down. He began talking about the techniques, skills, and types of photography we would learn or be doing this school year. As he was mumbling on about stuff I already knew about, I was looking out the window that was next to my seat. I was so lost in thought that I barely acknowledged that the bell rang. I glanced up, relieved that the first day of school was finally over with, and that it wasn't too bad.

"Miss Emerson do you mind staying back for a few minutes?" Mr. Smith asked as everyone began leaving. Welcome back oh so lovely anxiety butterflies that I wish could go die in a hole. A very empty, very black hole.

"Yes Mr. Smith?" I asked nervously.

"Oh dear, don't look so terrified, you're not in any trouble."

"Oh, then what did you need sir?" Just as he was about to respond, there was a knock at the door. I looked to my right, trying not to ogle the guy that just walked in. He was hot. Like fire flaming hot. Damn. He has black hair, pale skin, and piercing green eyes that remind me of the woods. His jaw is sculpted and you could see his muscles flex when he walked, he's wearing a fitted black long sleeve shirt with gray sweatpants. I looked up with a light blush when I noticed that I was shamelessly checking him out for like 5 minutes straight. As soon as I reached his eyes, I noticed he was already staring at me, we held each other's stares for quite sometime, silently studying the other. A throat clearing brought me back down to earth, and I embarrassingly looked at the ground, finding my boots much more interesting than the current situation.

"Uh...sorry to interrupt, but my dad wanted to see everyone at the...uh...faculty meeting soon." He glanced at me nervously and I wondered why he hesitated when he said faculty meeting.

"Oh right, I'm almost done here just wanted to talk to Miss Emerson here about her photography skills." I looked up confused, wondering why he wanted to talk to me about my photography. We didn't even do anything in class today, so I wasn't sure what was happening right now. I glanced back at the guy, whose name I still don't know, and noticed his eyes glazed over, like he was intently thinking about something. He immediately left having a hard look on his face, as if he was extremely pissed off.

"I'm confused, why do you want to talk to me about my photography?" I asked, still thinking about the mysterious guy that I had just seen. Something about him made me want to learn more, I don't know if it was because he seemed just as curious as I was, or because he was hot, or even because I know absolutely nothing about him. It was like I was drawn to him for some unknown reason.

"Well, I was actually wondering why you are in this class in the first place." I immediately looked at him taking full offense to what he had just said, I always thought my photos were good, not great, but I thought they were decent enough. I mean I had to turn in a portfolio and everything just to get into this class. If I wasn't good enough, why was I accepted?

"Oh! No no no, sorry that came out wrong, I mean your extremely talented, why aren't you in the advanced class?" Oh. OH. Wow.

"Wait, what?"

He chuckled, "Yes, Rosalyn your a very talented photographer, I really think you'll benefit more if you were in the advanced class."

"But I thought you had to take this class before you were accepted into any other photography class?" I asked, still a bit confused and in awe of the fact he thought I was that good.

"Well, you seem to have enough knowledge in photography as it is, I mean the whole class you were bored out of your mind, I could tell this was practically review for you."


"Why don't you think about it tonight, you can let me know tomorrow during class if your interested in taking the advanced course."

"Ok! Thank you so much Mr. Smith!"

"Of course, have a good day Rosalyn." he chuckled.

"You too, bye Mr. Smith!"


I walked out of the classroom with a huge smile on my face. I started making my way towards my baby, now really excited to get home. I'm in the perfect mood to go exploring in our backyard woods, and take pictures. I didn't need to think about the option Mr. Smith gave me, I am definitely taking the advanced course.



Annnddddd that's chapter two!! I hope y'all are enjoying this book so far! I know these first few chapters are a bit bland, but it'll get better!!

Peace out and eat lots of cake!

~Jay <3

I'm Your Who-Now?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora