Baby Mathers

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It was late at night when I awoke with a stir. The previous day, I had gone for a long 3-mile walk and for dinner all six members of our family had a feast of fettucine alfredo and chicken parmesan together. Marshall and I were even intimate just a few short hours before and I had one of the most intense orgasms of my life. I had fallen asleep soundly only to awake a mere three hours later.

I thought I felt a spurt between my legs and hurried to the bathroom to pee. I felt strange and just like that, I had a profound contraction take over my body. I cautiously walked over to Marshall sleeping in the bed.

"Hey," I poked him. "You don't have to get up yet, but I'm fairly sure it's time. I'm gonna go call the midwife."

He turned over with a start. "You ok baby? You need anything?"

"No, let's just try to relax while we still can." I kissed him. "I love you."

I took my phone downstairs to call Nancy, my midwife, as I stood in the darkness of the living room. I felt another contraction tense my body as it was ringing.

"Hello." Nancy answered groggily.

"Hi, it's RayLynn. I've just had two contractions. I think it's time."

"Ok, I'll be on my way. Start timing them. Has your water broken yet?"

"I don't think so, but I swear I felt a trickle as I was getting out of bed." Right as I said that liquid plunged out of my body onto the floor. "Oh my god! It's happening right now! It's, like, gushing!"

"Start filling the tub Ms. Knight, I'm on my way. Relax and let this happen!" She told me.

I carefully ascended the staircase, as my body felt fragile. I was expecting Marshall to still be resting in the darkness, but he was already dressed in sweats and a beater while filling the tub.

"My water broke!" I announced as I entered the bedroom. "I'll pay one of the girls to shampoo the carpet tomorrow."

"Don't worry about it sweetheart, get in here." He turned back to the hose he was using to fill the birthing tub with warm water.

I lost the baggy t-shirt I was wearing and ducked into the closet to retrieve my bag of pregnancy goodies I had gathered for this occasion. I re-entered the room to stand next to Marshall in nothing but my sports bra and a huge pregnant belly that hopefully would be emptied in the next few hours. I grasped Marshall to nuzzle my nose in the perfect place where his shoulder meets his chest.

"I love you baby. I'm right here." He told me and then held my hand as I climbed in the tub.

I sat against the wall of the birthing tub paralyzed in the pain of my body expanding once again. I squeezed Marshall's hand during the cramps.

"This is agony Marshall." My mouth collapsed as if I could cry.

"You got this baby, you're strong." He came around to kiss my head and stroke my hair.

Nancy entered the room along with a nurse; I believe Marshall had alerted the security team and they granted them access into our home.

"Hey guys! It's time! You excited? Here RayLynn, get out of the tub for a second so I can check if you're dilated."

I laid on a towel on the bed as she checked me.

"Yep, you're about five centimeters. I'm gonna get set up. Remember what I said Ms. Knight, relax and let this happen!"

They left us alone as I knelt over the edge of the inflatable birthing tub holding Marshall's hands. Another angry contraction started rising in my lower belly and I tried my best to breathe through it. My throat made a funny, high-pitch, yelping sound which escaped my mouth and Marshall smiled.

"That sounded like a cat meowing, Rookie." He laughed.

"Now isn't the fucking time!" I briskly scolded him between painful, short breaths.

Marshall can be immature, but he got my meaning. He did not make any more jokes and stayed focused on me. I think he was trying to make me feel better by joking, but I must concentrate on bringing this baby into the world. I screamed into the pain, this hurt way worse than I remembered from when I had Nevaeh.

"Why does it already feel like I have to push?!" I yelled frantically at the midwife.

"Because you have a seven-pound baby making his way down to be born." She answered placing the doppler on my stomach. "The heartbeat is slower than I would like it to be." Nancy declared.

I was now approaching the third hour of labor and was progressing nicely. I tried to breath through the harsh pangs of suffering rising and falling within my body. It was great timing that our daughters were all asleep. They would be meeting their little brother tomorrow morning once he finally makes his appearance.

I screamed in sheer terror. "This is far worse than I remember!" I shouted frantically before wailing into another wave of pain."

Nancy urgently took my hand and stared at me, "Stop screaming and get this baby out." She placed the doppler on me again. "You gotta get him out, his heartbeat is too slow."

Nancy placed what looked to be a huge, thick blanket over the bed and Marshall wrapped his arms around me to help me out of the tub. When I made it to the bedside, my still pregnant figure responded to the reflex by placing my hands on the bed and screaming in adrenaline.

"C'mon Ray, we're gonna have a beautiful baby!" Marshall cooed in my ear.

I sensed that this was coming to an end and my baby boy was about to shoot out at any moment. My contractions were sharper and even more intense, but short and quick. One after the other, soaring up to peak in excruciating torture and then come back down in a peaceful relief. "AAAaaHHHhhh!!!!!"

"You're doing great baby! You got this!" Marshall cheered me on.

"AAAaaHHHhhh!!!!! I'm gonna have him right here!" I never made it to lay on the bed, I was leaned over it in a squatting position.

"That's fine!" Nancy threw the gigantic birthing pad on the floor. "Push right here, his head's right there RayLynn."

"You're almost done baby!" Marshall kissed my head. "C'mon push!"

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" Marshall, Nancy, and Nurse Becky counted in unison.

"AAAaaHHHhhh!!!!!" I pushed with all my might.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

I took in the positively most ginormous breath I could fill my lungs with and pushed with my entire being until I felt like I could combust.


"Here, deliver your baby!" Nurse Becky guided my hands to a wee, little head full of hair.

One last howl escaped my mouth as my baby slid from my body into my arms. I held him close, hysterically crying into the most primal emotion I've ever experienced. My body shook with adrenaline. Kane Marshall Mathers was born on September 29,2012 at 6:14 AM. After I hugged my baby with all my might, I placed him in Marshall's arms.

Big salty tears sprang from Marshall's eyes as he stared at his son. His eyes became red, and his mouth quivered in sobs with newfound love for this perfect little person we created. I was in a trance as happiness swirled over the room.

Nancy folded up the mat that had the remnants of birth and forced it into a "hazardous material" container to properly dispose of it. I cautiously made my way to the tub to wash off and then put on my comfy sweatpants that I chosen months ago for this occasion. I returned to collapse in the bed with exhaustion. Marshall laid next to me, placed Kane on my chest, and wrapped a blanket around the three of us. I nursed our son for a few minutes before attaching his first diaper to his baby bum and dressed him in a cozy sleeper with a monkey on it with matching cap.

Marshall and I took turns holding our son as the sun began to rise while the nurse attended to my vitals as well as Kane's. We woke the girls up to come meet their new baby brother. It was their turn to pass him around, being sure to gently support his newborn head. Nevaeh sat on the bed with me stroking his hair and I could not believe that I was living this moment which I had dreamed of for the previous nine months.

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