Sway In the Morning

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Sway: As promised yesterday, we have some big surprise guests today, the ever-talented Eminem, Marshall Mathers is in the studio today, as well as the brilliant and beautiful RayLynn Knight with us! Two incredibly special performers stopped by to talk about their new projects now Em I'm going to ask you first, Recovery...

Marshall: Yeah.

Sway: Some fans would argue that it blows Relapse out of the water in only a year's time, Recovery has a different sound than what your fans are used to. Where did the inspiration for Recovery come from?

Marshall: Just maturing in general. I'm sober now, so my thoughts are a lot clearer.

Sway: What did you do in those five years that we didn't see you in the spotlight man?

Marshall: Well, I did a lot of drugs, landed in rehab, and then came out and relapsed in about a month. Then, I got sober again and I've been clean for three years now.

Sway: Yeah, thank god. And RayLynn, you just released your first album in a couple years, and I think this project contrasts your previous music. What was the motivation to open up to the world again in such a raw and honest fashion?

RayLynn: Oh, like Marshall, I did a lot of drugs, but I never overdosed or anything. I just recognized that the lifestyle was no longer working for me. I've had a lot of crazy things happening in my personal life in the past few years and instead of running from it, I wanted to share it with my fans.

Sway: That's important because Love the Way You Lie has turned into an anthem for folks who may have found themselves in volatile relationships. I think perhaps that is something that both of you have been involved in in the past. Would that be accurate?

Marshall: Yeah man, Ray and I are very similar.

Sway: What are the similarities that you all share in the studio? Or out as well.

RayLynn: Marshall and I work well together in the studio because we both come from an extremely real place. And when we did Love the Way You Lie, I had just escaped an abusive marriage and Marshall has had his issues with unstable relationships, so it just fit. It was just right.

Marshall: I think the public looks at both of us like we're a little nuts. Ray and I both take our music very seriously, we're perfectionists. And then once we started talkin, we realized that we both come from broken homes, we both grew up extremely poor. So, we had all that in common from the very beginning.

Sway: Ok guys, so Ray we're shooting you from the neck up, but is there any other new information you have for us? (smiling)

RayLynn: Yes, I'm having another baby. (She stood up to show off her pregnancy)

Marshall: I hear the baby daddy is an asshole though!

Sway: (shakes head smiling) Who's baby is that man?

Marshall: That's my baby dawg. That's my baby and that's my other baby. (He pointed to Ray's stomach and then to Ray herself)

Sway: OHoh-oh shit! You heard it right here RayLynn Knight and Marshall Mathers, expecting a baby together. So, Em, it's official Ray is your girl?

Marshall: Yeah man, we been together about a year now.

Sway: That's a beautiful thing, that's a beautiful thing. Ray, how you feeling about all this?

RayLynn: I couldn't be happier. My daughter and I live in Detroit now with Marshall and his family and we've blended our families together.

Sway: Do you know the gender of the baby yet?

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