Daddy's Home

936 32 11

5 weeks later

RayLynn POV

I sat on the edge of the tub staring at the positive test. This was not in my plans, but I'm now 28-yrs-old. Nevaeh will enjoy having a sibling and I love being a mom. I'm not sure how Marshall will take this, but I don't care. I'm excited for a new baby, I hope I have a boy. I was not certain how to break the news to Marshall, so I suggested we go out to a romantic dinner. Hopefully, he'll be as happy about the news as I am.

I arrived at the restaurant early and sat sipping ice water in a nervous state. Marshall came in the back door and met me at the table kissing my cheek. His sparkly blue eyes were gorgeous as he smiled at me. "What's up baby? How was your day?" He asked pulling out the chair across from me and removing his jacket.

"Fine, fine." I said slowly feeling that I should not just spill it immediately, but not knowing what to talk about until it was time to spill the beans.

"It was nice that you wanted to go out tonight, we don't usually go to places like this. Special occasion?"

"Um, yeah."

He stared at me waiting for me to embellish upon my response.

"Well, do you wanna tell me what it is?" Marshall questioned before sipping his water.

"Uh, sure." We continued staring at each other. I have a great voice, but I seemed to have lost it at the moment.

"Ray, you're being a Rookie!" Marshall tried to make lite of the situation.

"Marshall, please. This is difficult to say."

He tensed up and closed his eyes, "Oh my god, say it, just..." He shook his head as he thought it must be something awful, "fucking say it."

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

Marshall scoffed in disbelief and his eyes widened.

"If you want nothing to do with me, I'll understand. But I'm having this baby." I told him firmly.

"What are you talking about?" He smiled and got up to come around the table and give me a hug. "I thought you were leaving me." He laughed.

"No, I love you. Really? You're not mad?"

Marshall pulled me seductively into a hug and spoke gently, "Ray, what would I be mad about? I love you too. I can't wait for you to have my baby." He whispered in my ear.

I giggled in disbelief. "Are you serious? Good, because I'm starting to get really excited."

Marshall smiled. "This is gonna be fun."

We spent the entire evening bright-eyed, talking about the baby. We agreed that we both wanted a boy, talked about baby names, and tried to estimate when I got pregnant and what our baby's birthday might be. We came up with late September or early October. It had never dawned on me that Marshall may be as excited to have another kid as I was. The mans in his late thirties. I guess he figures it's now or never.

We announced it to our daughters the next day and they were all thrilled as well. We're becoming one big, happy family. It all made sense. Feeling woozy, being emotional, I was guessing I had been pregnant for a couple of weeks now. Marshall and I had not talked about it yet, but this is going to force our relationship to go completely public. I can't hide a pregnancy from my fans and Marshall is going to want to brag to the world that he's going to be a papa again.

Marshall is such a sweetie. He took care of me every day, texting me several times throughout the day to make sure I was ok. I would make dinner for Marshall and the girls every night and he would cleanup and insist I take it easy on the couch. We told Kim eventually and she seemed happy for us, I even went baby shopping with her. We found a midwife to come to the house for checkups instead of having to go to a doctor's office and be spotted. We planned on going public with this, but we were going to do it on our terms.

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