The Kiss

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I live on the beach in Malibu. I love this house! It's everything I ever dreamed of. I have a wonderful pool with a waterfall and a slide. The sundeck is setup with a buffet of salads and fruit and the grill steams the fragrant smell of burgers, chicken, and sausage. The weather is warm and sunny with a delightful sea breeze whisking by and the sound of the waves crashing in the distance.

I chose a black bikini for the cookout. It's not a string bikini, it looks classy. I am all packed up for tomorrow. I'll be out of the country for a month. I texted Marshall and he said he plans on coming today. Queen made most of the food. It's a Trinidad thing to make tons of food. It was just my brother and sister, my 2 nieces, my bandmates, and about 20-30 friends hanging out before we leave for tour.

I grabbed a burger and took a seat next to Jessalyn. She has been traveling and studying drumming throughout the world. Of our group, she is kind of hippy-ish and a free spirit. She is always so fun to be on tour with. She was telling me stories of drumming with indigenous people in the Alps and singing with the children. She's such a cool chick.

I kept checking my phone for a text from Marshall, but nothing. Nevaeh came out in her little bikini and pink floaties. She's so stinking cute! She has black curly hair with gorgeous hazel eyes. What would I do without this little sweetie?

"Mommy, can you go down the slide with me?"

"Of course, I can baby." I answered and placed a kiss on her head.

I held her little hand as we climbed to the top of the waterslide. I held her tight around her waist as we slid down together laughing. After we landed in the water, I helped her doggy paddle to the shallow end and looked up to see Marshall had just joined the party. His eyes met mine and he smiled a bit witnessing me with my little girl. I helped her out of the pool and scooped her up on my hip to say hi to him.

"Hey! Glad you could make it." I greeted him.

"Hey, wassup." He kissed my cheek. "And who is this little lady?"

"I'm Nevaeh."

"I'm Marshall. I'm friends with your mommy. How old are you sweetheart?"


"I have little girls too, but they stayed at home."

I set her down and she ran off to play with the other kids in the pool.

"This is quite a place you have here."

"Thanks. I just bought it last year." I told him. "Make sure to get something from the grill alright? I'm going to quick change."

Marshall walked over to my brother who was manning the grill.

"Hey dawg, Marshall." He said and dapped up with my brother Derek.

"Derek. I'm Ray's older brother. I didn't realize she knows you."

"Yeah, we're working on some shit together."

"Maashall!" Queen brought him rice and beans and potato salad. "I make rice and beans. Let me know if yuh need more, ya?"

"Mmm, thanks Queen."

When I returned from changing Marshall and Derek were talking sports and guy stuff. I was now wearing ripped up jeans and a black tank top with sandals.

"You clean up nice." Marshall complimented.

"Thanks. Where's Nevaeh?" I asked Derek.

"She's inside playing dolls with my girls. I'm keeping an eye on her."

My older brother is a single father just like Marshall.

I turned to Marshall. "You want to take a walk on the beach?"

He accepted and pulled up his hoodie as we strolled down the steps and onto the sand. The sun was beginning to set, and it was starting to get a bit chilly. The beach is private, only residents of my community are allowed access on it and everyone who lives around me is either a celebrity or extremely wealthy. We walked down to the water and took off our shoes.

"You excited to go on tour?" He broke the ice.

"Yes, but a little nervous. I haven't performed in front of a huge crowd in a few years."

"It'll come right back to you. You'll be fine."

"I know, but I'm a totally different person than I was. I used to perform drunk or high, but I don't party like that anymore. Plus, I'm a mother now. Things are just different."

"Is Nevaeh going with?" He asked me. "She's beautiful by the way."

"Thank you and yes she is. My sister Kyra is coming with, she's my nanny. It's nice because I can offer my sister a great job and Nevaeh can spend time with her aunt instead of some stranger." I shivered in the wind.

Marshall began pulling off his hoodie. "Here, put this on." He offered it to me.

"No, I'm ok."

Marshall ran his hands up my exposed arms.

"You're cold, here."

He helped me into his bulky hoodie. It was so comfortable and smelled amazing. Marshall placed his strong arms around me, hugging me from behind as we watched the sun go down.

"So, if you don't party anymore, what are you going to do at night after your shows?" He asked in my ear.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably just go to bed."

"Maybe you'll find some Asian male groupies to hang out with."

I laughed hard. "I don't think so. I haven't had any boyfriends since I got divorced. I wanna do it right this time."

He turned me around in his arms. "Well, maybe you could just call me to tell me what an amazing show you put on."

He rubbed my cheek with his thumb and slowly leaned in for a kiss. His lips wrapped around mine hard. It felt so good, I had not kissed a man in months. I was too caught up in recovering from the divorce and working on the new album and I really did not want another unhealthy relationship. I have a daughter now.

Marshall held me in the ocean breeze as we kissed in the dusk. It was slow at first, but he eventually licked my lips and I parted them to let him in. His tongue moved in circles around mine and I could feel the excitement between my legs. I nipped Marshall's lips gently in my teeth and pulled on his bottom lip. His arms held me tighter to his body and I swear I felt his dick hardening through his jeans. I ran my nails through his hair and scalp and sucked on his tongue a bit moving down to his neck with enthusiasm. We stopped kissing for a moment and rested our foreheads together smiling like fools.

"You're a good kisser." He told me.

"So are you." I smiled shyly.

"Then don't stop." He told me and leaned into me again.

We made out on the beach for a good thirty minutes. It was so fun. So innocent. Just between the two of us.

"We can't stay out here forever." I told him.

"Why not?" He asked kissing down my throat.

I giggled.

"I gotta catch a plane tonight. I have a big day tomorrow."

I gave him one final smooch.

"Call me in a couple days if you want." I told him.

"Why can't I just call you tomorrow?"

I laughed. Everything he says is so cute and funny.

"OK, call me tomorrow."

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