Bonus Chapter- Addi and Jake /New ending for SWOWU/ New books

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Ugh, to hell with this.

" so Stacy, do you want to-"

A scream resounded through the noisy corridor and everyone went silent.

More shouts and screams followed and normally, I would go the opposite direction but I had this unexplainable urge to find the source.

My feet followed the sounds and what I saw next would probably be engraved into my mind forever.

It was a girl, I don't think I'd ever seen her before, she had dark raven black hair with purple strips and piercings, her eyes were a deep purple and her nails were long and sharp tinted with the same colour. Her clothes were black from head to toe and her pretty mouth was pulled into a frown, she had the face of an angel but made me feel like I was in the presence of the devil himself.

Basically, she was stunning.

And she had her hands around a senior boys throat.

My heart leaped in my chest.

And I felt all oxygen leave my body.

"what did you say to me pipsqueak?" her voice was steely but firm and silky, making a slight shiver run down my spine.

She was terryfing.

And I found myself...liking it.

"I didn't say anything! Let me go! You're crazy!" Brick screamed again and she looked at him boredly, sighed and released him.

"don't ever touch me again you prick" she said sharply and I gulped slightly.

She turned to leave and my breath got stuck in my throat as her eyes connected with mine, she froze slightly, her head tilting and her frown falling of her face to be replaced with a look of confusion.

She seemed so distracted that she didn't even see the hand of Brick coming her way, before I could realise what I was doing, my hand caught his fist and I broke his wrist in a flash.

"you don't hit girls dude" I said as he writhed on the floor cradling his wrist and I turned my attention to the nameless girl behind me.

She was gone.

My head turned as I searched for her and realised she had completely disappeared, leaving just a pained Brick, a pissed off Stacy and a handful of curious students."


"don't let me catch you here again Jake" The warning tone of the principle was clear as I closed the door to her office.

I had gotten detention for a week and due to the fact that everyone testified to seeing Brick instigate the fight, I wasn't getting a all through to my parents which is a relief because my grandma would kill me.

Not feeling like going to class and facing my friends, I decided to skip the next period making my way outside. I smiled when I saw the big mango tree behind the school, It was my favorite place to come to, I settled in comfortably on the grass and took out my airpods.


My breath hitched in my throat and I felt a shiver go down my spine.

"Jake right?" she sat down beside me quietly, she was as graceful as a cat, her movements calculated and swift, her eyes sharp and alert, her voice harsh but entrancing.

I merely nodded.

"The little stunt you pulled earlier was stupid and careless so stay out of it next time, wouldn't want a pretty face like that smashed in" she bit into an apple, her gaze on a bird not too far from us.

Stronger, With Or Without YouDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora