"This makes up for the last time when we got disappointed" Kaminari recalled that time he was disappointed with the girls uniforms.

"H-hey! You can't do that! I'm going to call for help!" Iida was about to yell but before he could the two pervs put a bucket over his head.

"Perfect! Don't worry Iida we will come back for you later!" With that Kaminari and Mienta ran off to go look at the girls.

Kaminari later got a poke in both eyes and Mienta got stung by a jellyfish when he went in the water with goggles and had to go to the infirmary.

Ochako took out her blanket and laid it down across the sand and than proceeded to lie down on it.

After a few minutes Izuku came walking over to her.

"Hey Uraraka. Is it okay if I sit here?" Izuku asked.

"Of course. Go ahead" She gave him her permission and he sat down on the sand beside her.

"Man It's pretty hot out. Oh that reminds me! I need to put on some sun screen" Ochako searched all around in her bag and pulled out some spray on sunscreen.

"Oh I completely forgot to bring some" Izuku scratched the back of his neck.

"Here you can borrow mine" She handed the bottle to him when she was done.

"Thank you" He took the bottle and sprayed his arms,legs,face, and chest and stomach.

"Do you need me to get your back?" She offered.

"Yes please" He handed the bottle back to her. She stood up from the ground and she sprayed all around his backside getting the back of his arms, back,legs,and everything.

"I can do you as well if you want" He gave her the same offer.

"Go ahead please" She turned around so Izuku could put the spray on her.

When he squeezed the bottle however nothing came out. He gave it a good shaking but that didn't make it work.

"I think it's all out" Izuku yeeted it into a nearby garbage can.

"I can help!" Mina said coming out of nowhere with a new bottle of sunscreen.

"How?" Ochako asked begging to God that she didn't have a alternate motive.

"You guys can use my bottle. Here ya go." She tossed it to Izuku and he caught it in his hands and Mina went on her way.

Just then Izuku realized there was something about this bottle.

It wasn't spray on. It was a squeeze one meaning be was going to have to rub it on Ochako's back and legs and arms.

He was going to touch a girls body. And on purpose this time.

Ochako had also realized what was going on and her face already looked sunburned.

"I-is this alright?" He asked wanting her permission.

"W-well I guess it's better than getting a sunburn. So...l-lets do it" Ochako agreed. She lied back down on her stomach lying down on her blanket as Izuku applied the white cream on her back.

Oh god what I have wrote.

Izuku wanted to bury himself in the sand from how embarrassed he was and he had to restrain himself from looking at her ass,which was very hard.

Ochako had to admit that despite the scars on his hands,they felt pretty nice on her back.

Once Izuku finished her back he went ahead and did her arms and legs which was a lot less embarrassing to him.

Izuocha one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now