Chapter 3-First day(s) on the job

Start from the beginning

"Yea.. that's me. Are we heading out now?"  The blonde then nodded.  Y/N got up and was following the boy and trying to think of a way to get past the slightly awkward silence that had enveloped the air between them. "So...are all the members of the Occult Research Club devils?" Y/N decided to ask cause the question was eating at him the whole day.  "Yes, they are. I'm sorry we never got to get to know each other, heh... " Kiba chuckled awkwardly. "It's just whenever you came around I always had something to do or was heading out training." He had a look of slight regret but Y/N squashed that quickly. "It's no big deal, Kiba-San. It's not your fault, besides we never had a reason to talk to each other.  Maybe we can become friends now." Y/N says as he holds his hand out for a soul-brother-type handshake.  Kiba's eyes widen in surprise before he smiles, and accepts the friendly gesture. "Thanks, now since we're friends why don't you tell a little bit about yourself then I'll let you know more about me when Buchou re-introduces us/" Y/N nods and tries to come up with a little bit about himself. "Uh...well I love any kind of music, I sing, I play guitar, I work a part-time job for my land-lord at his restaurant, I love anime, and my mom made me take taekwondo for self-defense and I try to keep up with it." He finished with a slight smile. They continue walking till they come across the old school building and enter.

Walking in Y/N was already familiar with the layout but now that he was a devil he looked at the room a little differently. He sees Koneko on one of the couches, nothing much changes there. However... The big Glyph in the room that was "for studying different types of pentagrams" was obviously for some type of magic.  Looking over at the kitchen he sees Akeno making tea for everyone which was also part of the norm.  Looking behind Rias' desk he sees the flyers he used to summon her.  He had set down his guitar and messenger bag before Akeno had come and hugged him from behind. "Ufufu. Y/N-Kun, I'm glad you're doing okay after what happened...when Rias-Buchou told me she had found you with three light-spears in your body I was scared she hadn't revived you because her text didn't give much information." She finished quieter than she had started with, her arms tightening around him, and her head that was resting on his shoulder digging into his neck.  She may not have said or fully shown it but Y/N could tell she was genuinely scared he had died so he turned around and returned the hug with a calming smile. "I'm sorry for worrying you, Akeno-Chan. I understand I was reckless but that "fallen?" I think Ri-Chan called it was about to kill another boy, and he...he unfortunately still ended up dead."  He buries his head into her shoulder thinking about the boy who wouldn't get to live a full life cause he just "had" to be a hero and try to save him. 

Even with her being about half a head taller than him (god he hated being short as much as he loved it) he was able to rest his head there comfortably until they broke the hug.  "Well, now that I know you're okay, would you like some tea?" She says with a smile. "Yeah.. I'd love some tea." He responds with his own smile. After getting his tea he sits down next to Koneko, who is eating a chocolate bar. "So, did you hug me earlier on the roof cause you were worried about me too?" Y/N asked with genuine curiosity. "Uh... y-yeah. I didn't want Senpai to leave.  It would mean I can't listen to your songs ever again, or get your candy."  He smiled when she said this, and rubbed her head in a show of gratitude. "Well, I'm glad I would be missed, and I'm sorry I worried you as well." He said to reassure her he was fine.

After a couple of minutes, and another cup of tea, Rias enters the clubroom and smiles upon seeing that Kiba brought Y/N like she asked.  Sitting down at her desk she let her smile fade as a serious expression took over her face. "Y/N, I know you know why I brought you here, and I can assume you've figured out that all people present are also devils?" She asked and Y/N nodded already coming to that conclusion. "Y'know, I can't believe you managed to let me hang out here and still not tell me. Am I really that oblivious?" They all chuckled at his question before Akeno answered. "No Y/N-Kun, you are not that oblivious. We just never discussed devil work when you were around, and we're called the Occult Research Club so the things around here make sense...except the shower." She finished with a slight smirk as Y/N deadpans. "Yeah...that always confused me but I just chalked it up to "this school is richer than Jeff Bezos" and left it at that." He says with a smile.

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