Chapter 28

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Ethan's POV
"M-maybe" I mummbled staring at my feet just wanting to leave this conversation.

"Okay love I have some at home" I nodded and messed with my hair.

"Princess don't be embarrassed it's okay I promise me and ames already talked about this" I nodded. Wait- had they known about the other times? I didn't care right now honestly.

"Are we done here today like with recording and editing" he nodded at me.

"Yes love, let's go home okay?" I nodded and helped him take the blankets and my outfit to the car so they could get washed. I drove home stopping and grabbing a monster for the drive. I got home and made sure everything was good to go and got some dinner.

"Im gonna go out and pick up some more dog food and the groceries we need."

"Okay I love you" I said through the mouth full of noodles I had. I quickly swallowed and kissed him.
He kissed me back and grabbed his keys. I smiled and finished my noodles walking into my recording room deciding I wanted to do a random stream. I decided to play some games and then just chat. Towards the end of my stream I started to slip. I heard the front door open so I ended my stream and ran and jumped on mark.

"Daddy woo ist home!!!!" (Daddy you is home)

"Did you miss me princess?" I nodded at his stupid Question.

"I be bat daddy I fergots mi wawa in mi recording studio" (I'll be back daddy, I forgot my water in my recording studio) I walked back to my recording room and grabbed my water bottle glancing at the monitor because the scream still was glowing. I noticed the chat was moving on twitch. I dropped my water bottle realizing what the hell just happened. Mark ran in to see if I was okay because he heard my water bottle hit the ground. He noticed what happened and just held me. I was full on sobbing and crying in his arms. I had my paci in but I didn't muffle the sobs leaving my small dainty body. My career was most definitely over.

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