chapter 8

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Ethan's POV
It had been a couple days since my break down at the office and I hadn't really talked to mark. I had been talking to mika more and I found out she had moved to LA. I should be recording but I wasn't I was laying in bed trying not to over think. I heard my phone buzz and noticed that it was Mika. I picked up the phone.

"Hi Mika" I mumbled.

"Hi buddy, can I come over and hang out, maybe we can record a few videos for you channel?"

"That would be nice" I mumbled. I was in a half headspace and just not feeling it today.

"Okay bud I'll be over in a bit and I'll call you when I get there" I nodded and yawned again. We hung up and I got changed. I sighed as I slipped off my hoodie and slipping on a pair of sweat pants and a tee-shirt. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my hair. The blue was fading and I wanted to get it redone. Maybe me and mika could go do that today. I sighed and walked downstairs.

"Good morning eth" I heard kathryn say. I jumped a bit surprised.

"Oh I'm hi Kat, how are you today?"

"I'm okay, how are you?" I wanted to be truthful and say I wasn't great and that today was just an off day but I couldn't.

"Um I'm okay to" it took a lot to say that. I was hurting mentally and just didn't feel great.

"You sure?" I nodded and put on a fake smile.

"Mikas coming over today and we're gonna record and stuff"

"Okay bud, have fun, I'm going out with Amy to have a girl's day"

"That sounds like fun" I smiled lightly. I didn't know if it was little space or what but I wanted to have a semi "girls" day with mika. My brain was in a feminine mood and I couldn't help it. I didn't want to be a girl I just wanted to be more feminine some times. I was about to say something when I heard a knock on the door and my phone buzz. I smiled walking to the door and opened it. Seeing mika, I quickly pulled her into a hug.

"Hi buddy"

"Hi Mika" she slipped off her shoes before coming up the stairs into the living room.

"Hi Katherine!" Mika said hugging kat.

"Hi Mika it's so nice to see you" I smiled and glanced at my feet. Went and sat on the chair as the two talked for a minute. I seen amy pull up I smiled and walked outside and talked to Amy for a little while until kat came out.

"Sorry to keep you waiting ames I was talking to mika"

"That's okay, I got a chance to talk to my favorite blue boy" I couldn't help but smile when she said that and ruffled my hair. I said bye to the two and walked in.

"Do we wanna hang out or record first?"

"Record" I stated and grabbed stuff and went to the open room we had that I used for vlogs or nongaming videos.

"Wanna record a vr headset game?" I asked.

"Sure" she said and we went to work on it.
We were recording the second video and my brain was going fuzzy. I was starting to slip. Towards the end of recording the first one I accidently fucked up reading and killed mika making the bomb explode I almost cried over that. We confirmed recording and we're were in the last one when I was trying to explain the level to mika, I was doing a shitty job at it. It ended up exploring for the 3rd time and my brain decides to start crying.

"M..m sowwi I messed it ups miki" my brain was little and I was upset. Mika pulled me into her lap and held me.

"It's okay buddy, it's just a game I'm not mad I promise" I nodded and started to calm down getting myself to act big again. I had to be a big bo-- an adult, I had to be an adult. I was almost 20, I was an adult I needed to act like one. We finished up recording and we went downstairs to chill for a while.

"Mika would you wanna have a "girls day" except not girl cuz I'm not a girl?" I asked hoping she would say yes.

"I would love to buddy!" She said excited getting up and dragging me up the stairs to my room to find a cute outfit to wear. She went through my closet and gave me a pastel pink markiplier hoodie that was oversized and a cute pair of ripped jeans. I went and slipped them on showing her.

"Awee look at the adorable baby blue" I blushes hard.

"We go shopping??" I asked excited.

"Mhm, and then we can go get our nails done and go out to lunch and anything else you wanna do"

"Can we get my hair redyed?" I asked kinda shy.

"Yes, I love your blue hair so absolutely bunny" I got very excited over the pet names she kept calling me.

"We go shopping??" I asked excited. She nodded and we went out to the car and drove to the mall. We went to a few different stores before we went to spencers and hot topic. As we walked into hot topic a display of skirts caught my eyes. No I couldn't wear them, I couldn't buy them. I tried looking other things but they kept coming back to me.

"You should buy them" I glanced and seen mika.

"Where would I wear them?"

"Any where you want to" she suggested.

"I dunno" I sighed. I really wanted them.

"That's all you've been looking at while we've been here don't try to tell me you don't want them"

"I know... but what would-"

"I don't care what anyone else thinks if you don't buy them I am and I'll be giving you them" I nodded and went and found my size in the skirts and I found an overall skirt which was also cute so I bought it.

"Do you really think these will look good Mika?" I asked paying for them.

"They'll look great" I nodded as we walked out going to the nail and hair salon in the mall. I walked in and payed for my hair.

"Ethan, you're painting your nails with me, I already paid for them" I blushed and nodded.

"Okayyyyyy fineeee" I said trying to hide the smile that had made its way to my face. I went and sat down as they started working on my hair. Mika came and sat next to me as they cut and redyed my hair. Once we were to the point the dye had to sit for a while me and Mika made our way to getting our nails done. As we got over there I seen Amy and Kathryn getting manicures.

"Ethan, Mika!!" they both said very happy. I smiled and waved sitting down where the person doing my nails told me to. I chose to get my nails done in black and blue with a little gizmo gear on them. Now my nails would look pretty when I flipped off mark! I was genuinely really happy right now. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and glanced at it, it was a message from mark. I read it slowly. "Hey Eth, would you wanna come and record later tonight we're gonna record some stuff and hang out, I thought you might wanna join" I smiled a little. Mark had actually thought of me. I texted my response as the working painted my toe nails. "I would love to, me and Mika are hanging out right now but I'll see you in a little bit." "great I'll see you then, also bring something semi girly to wear" I gulped at the thought of wearing feminine clothes around Mark. "Okay I can do that" I typed back slower then usual.

"Who was thatttt?" Mika asked glancing at my phone and how red my face went. I glanced seeing Amy and Kat still there.

"Mark he wanted to record tonight and hangout with me and Tyler"

"OOOOO" I blushed and glanced over at Amy who was smirking. I was confused the guy I'l over my head for had a girlfriend and she was smirking at me like she knew I was in love with her boyfriend.

"Awe man, that's right I'll be out tonight so he probably wants to have a guys night" Amy said slightly nudging Kat. What was really happening?

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