Chapter 18

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Ethan's POV
"I would love to... As long as I wouldn't bug you guys... I wouldn't mind having you both as my caregivers"

"Yay, what about relationships wise just friends all dating only dating 1?"

"Um can I know your guys feelings on that?"

"Yes you can, ames you can explain your half"

"Well me and mark broke up a while ago but it wasn't because of anything bad there was a lot of confusion with ourselves, I still she some feelings for mark but I know mark has some feelings for someone else but I Also have started to think I have slight feelings for you and I would love to be your girlfriend and your mommy if you wanted" I nodded.

"Um well me and Amy broke up because I was starting to question if I was bi because I had gained attraction to you um and I like you a lot and I would live to be your daddy because then I know you're in good hands" hold on. Did mark just say he liked me? But wait did they say they- oh shit.

"So um I like the idea of you both being my caregivers because I trust you both a lot and um well I like mark a lot and I don't really know how I feel about you amy like relationship wise I like I don't know if I like you like that or not I'm honestly a bit confused with a lit of things. But I mean I would be okay with dating just mark for a while and maybe bringing amy in after a while" I don't know what I was nervous but I was as soon as I finished talking I began messing with the hoodie I had on.

"That sounds okay to me" amy said looking at mark.

"It does me to" mark said and pulled my hands away from the hoodie making me look at him.

"Don't be nervous princess it's okay" I smiled and leaned into his touch. Then something I wasn't expecting happened. Mark placed his hand on my cheek and moved me so I was straddling his lap and kissed me. His lips were soft and warm and the kiss was filled with nothing but passion. I kissed back. Just then tyler burst through the door.

"BOB YOU OWE ME 50$" why didn't it suprise me they were betting on me and mark getting together. Wait--- mark was now my boyfriend. He picked me up and carried me out to the main group.

"I wanna tell you all me and Ethan are together officially now"

"I'm so happy for you guys!!" Gab said jumping up. It felt nice to be accepted and to hear those words.
HEY guys it's vash, I just wanted to say hey and check in, I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far and interacting with it sorry this one was shorter but I did get 2 chapters today so thats pretty cool i hope you have a wonderful day stay happy and not crappy I love you guys bye

Also go check out my YouTube channel it's link is in my bio

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