Chapter 13

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Ethan's POV
I slipped on marks hoodie that was oversized and made me feel even smaller. We got to the bus and put our stuff where it needed to go. I was on the top bunk out of 3 so I had to be really careful to not drop any of my little gear. I threw my stuff up there and went with the others. This wasn't going to be as fun as it could be. The manager explained everything that we would be doing and where we would be going. We finished up some paper work and got back on the road. I went and climbed up to my bunk and made my bed. I threw gizmo and turbo by my pillows, stuffed animals by pillows was normal right? I slipped my other stuff away in my bunk and decided to lay in there for a little. My brain was getting very overwhelmed. I grabbed my phone and switch and went to the back room on the bus that was just for nonsense storage and just to chill. No one was in there so it was quite. I still had on marks hoodie and it made me feel small. I wanted my paci really bad but I knew I couldn't. I closed the door and laid on the couch. I grabbed my phone and called mika.

"What's up blue?"

"M messed up mika..."

"What do you mean buddy?"

"M..m slipped up an um y..yeah" I was avoiding saying it because I was afraid the others would hear me.

"Ooohhh, breath it'll be okay, I just what you to stay calm and try and make it seem like your being your normal dorky side" I nodded and did as told.

"Also that hoodies cute, where did you get it?" It was cute, I liked the hoodie a lot but I would have to give it back to mark soon.

"Uhhh I don remember?" I said in a clearly suggestive tone I didn't want to tell her because she knew my feelings for mark. I liked him a lot but he didn't feel that way because he had amy and him and Amy were a really good couple, I wouldn't want to ruin that, I Also didn't want to ruin me and marks friendship it was meaningful to me so I could hide my feelings they would go away at some point.

"Mhm sure little one, who's is it?" FUCKKKKK the nickname was pulling me even deeper into my headspace.

"Is markis" (it's markys)

"Aweeee that's sweet, well do you what me to stay on call or do you wanna go hang with the other?"

"Ten I gu hang wif da overs?" (Can I go hang with the others) I was really little and had no clue how I was going to hide it.

"Sure little one, if you want to call me before you go to bed you know how to get a hold of me" I smiled and nodded.

"Tank woo Mimi" (thank you Mimi)

"Awee you're welcome little one, and I like Mimi it's cute" I blushed and smiled.

"Byebye Mimi"

"Bye little one" I hung up and waited a few minutes before going to the main area.

"Hi eef"

"Hi markimoo" I smiled and sat down at the table turning on my switch. I started playing animal crossing tuning out everyone around me.

"SEAN AND GAB LANDED AND WE GET TO SEE THEM TONIGHT" mark yelled causing me to get startled and jump. I went back to playing my game until I got bored. I got up and put my stuff in my bunk and came back sitting next to amy who ruffled my hair.

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