Chapter 27

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Ethan's POV
I was pissed at mark. He was such a tease and he knew it! I knew I couldn't stay mad at him for such a dumb reason but I could try. I walked into the room they were all in and seen mark. Instantly I didn't have the courage to stay mad or be bratty. Damnit ethan your a bottom!!!! I sighed and finished setting up. I still had no clue what we were filming all I knew is that it had something to do with a gingerbread house. I walked and grabbed my phone.

"You guys ready to film?" Mark asked we all nodded. I prayed to God I didn't  slip during this.

"Hello everybody my name is markiplier and today I'm here with these to dumbo's, ethan and tyler. And we're gonna be building ginger bread houses and santa will be coming to town" as mark said the last part tyler help up a pipe with a Santa on a sled on it. I smiled. This couldn't be to bad. As we started the video I started slipping but stayed quiet I was slowly getting frustrated at it but I decided not to say anything. I occasionally got snarky remarks from mark and tyler and if I was being honest they hurt a bit but I didn't say anything. The building went in until the timer went off my house ended up falling and I almost cried over it due to the state I was entering. I hated how sensitive I was over stupid shit. I excused myself to use the restroom to calm my nerves.

"You're okay it's all for a video. It's okay it's gonna be okay" I kept mumbling to myself that things would be okay but I didn't know if they would. I ended up doing something and mark told me I had to be punished. By that time I was like 90% in my headspace and 10% big so the world 'punishment' scared me a lot more then it should have. Mark and tyler wouldn't hurt me and I knew it but it was the idea. The idea made me want to full on sob but I sucked it up for the video.

"Fineeeee" I sighed. 'Keep it together you Fucking cry baby,' 'Ethan you're a big boy you'll be okay,' 'They won't hurt you so stop thinking like that.' Honestly my thoughts didn't calm me at all. Mark and tyler threw doge balls at me and at first I was fine because I doged them but the last two hit me and it hurt it threw me off more then I liked and more then it should have.

"Ow!" I sank to the floor in a ferial position as they threw the last few. I had my face hidden so they couldn't see the tears that I felt. I could tell they were running down my face.

"Okay we're done back to building" I quickly whiped my tears before standing up.

"I'll be back in going to the bathroom again"

"Damn that coffee is really running through you faster then normal today isn't it?" Mark said in a smart ass tone. I wasn't in the mood for his snarky comments but I couldn't seem on edge.

"Yeah had a bit more then normal today" I said before going to the bathroom. I had a sippy cup full of coffee which is a lot less then normal.

"Hm he must had drank some before coming here today because he only had a small cup here" amy fuck you. Did you have to mention that?

"Maybe he stopped to get some before coming here I know he likes to stop and get iced coffee from Starbucks and stuff" tyler stated. Thank you Tyler.

"True he probably did that" thank the god amy agreed with that. I came back out after making sure my face didn't look like I had been crying to much.

"Okay I'm good sorry"

"You're fine now let's finish this video" we finished it up and had some decision making because I fucked it up and crashed me and marks houses.

"Are we recording anything else right now?" I asked just wanting to go out on a onesie or whatever and have my paci.

"No we're not"

"Okay!" I ran and put on a little outfit and grabbed my paci. I genuinely felt better I played in the room the team turned into a semi little room for me. I don't know how I got such amazing friends or why I was blessed with them. These walls had once been pale white and now they we're all pastel blue except for my chalkboard wall  and I had a decent amount of stuffies and random toys in here and just a lot of little gear. I was playing with a stuffie and my blankie and fell asleep on my play rug in the corner instead of my nap tent in my small loft. 
Marks POV
"Have y'all seen eef?"

"His room and not the editing one" I smiled to myself heading to see what my little princess was up to in his nursery. I walked to the room and noticed he was asleep on his mat. I took a picture before moving him to his nap area and let him rest going to edit and talk to tyler.
Ethan's POV
I woke up and felt warm and I didn't like it. I sat up and instantly knew
what had happened. This had been happening for like a week. I hadn't told mark and I didn't plan on it. I had wet the bed yet again. I felt tears falling down my face. How the hell was I gonna cover this up? I got up and changed and tried to clean up the mess I had made but it didn't work out. Then I knew I was fucked. Mark walked in.

"What are you doing princess?"


"Don't lie to me"

"I..i..I'm not lying I'm okay"

"Are you sure?" I quickly nodded praying to God he didn't come up here. God clearly didn't except my prayer because mark came up and he realized what happened.tears hit me like a tsunami. I started to cry and apologies.

"Baby, it's okay I'm not upset" I managed to calm down.

"How long has this been happening?"

"A..about a week..."

"Baby why didn't you tell me?"

"I..I..I was scared"

"That's ok baby I understand, should we talk about wearing pull ups?" I didn't wanna respond to that. I knew what I should say but I was scared to say it.

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