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The noise of people shopping around the mall was enough to drown out the sinking feeling in my stomach as Ava dragged me into store after store to find a first day of college outfit.

"Come on Britt, I need your help with this." She whined as she emerged from the rack with at least three more outfits.

"Ava, it's not that I don't want to help, it's just.."

"I know, Riley." She tried to hide the rolling of her eyes.

"It's not like that Ava!" I defended myself, "I don't even know why he wanted me to go shopping in the first place, I don't need anything." I sighed.

"Because your bestie needs help. Now do what he sent you for and help me!" She exclaimed.

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. It didn't have the desired effect as she grabbed my arm and dragged me to the dressing room to watch her try on each outfit.

"That one is perfect." I smiled as she tried on some white capris with a black modestly cut v neck shirt and light grey cardigan.

"You really think so?" She asked looking at herself in the mirror again.

"Yes! You look amazing!" I smiled.

It took her no time to change and pay for the outfit before she grabbed my arm again. I was itching to get home, back to Riley, I was exhausted from all the walking and I knew that sitting in his arms, even if for the last time would make me feel better.

"Come on!" She smiled pulling me further into the mall.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I tried not to trip.

"I was serious earlier, we need to start your registry!" She said nonchalantly as I pulled my arm back.

"Ava I'm tired! I don't even know what I'm having. I'm not starting a registry." I frowned.

"Fine, but can we eat before we go back? Please?"

As if on cue my stomach rumbled as she laughed. I wanted to ignore it, but I was feeding two people now and I was going to ensure that I did everything I was supposed to do.

"Sure, but then can we go? As you keep pointing out I am pregnant and I get tired easily now." I said.

"Fine."  She smiled before dragging me to the food court.

We sat at one of the tables with our Japanese noodles as Ava rambled about her new campus.

"So the dorms are small but we have private bathrooms instead of communal. The campus is really pretty, I really can't wait for you to visit, there's so much for you to see there! Bretts dorm is opposite mine so he's going to keep me company until we both get settled."

"Sounds great, I don't know if I'll be able to visit much, most dorms frown on kids." I sighed.

"Well by the time the little bean is born I may have moved into an apartment."

"Well then I can definitely try to visit!" I said genuinely.

"Good, and by the way I'm going to call you all the time. Just because I'm not here doesn't mean you're getting out of my guy drama, or that I'm not going to rush back when you go into labor! You're always going to be stuck with me!"

"Thanks?" I chuckled as we continued to eat.

By the time we were done Ava had explained every last detail about the campus, from the waterfall at the entrance, to the recently updated recreation area with tennis courts and disk golf.

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