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Do you know the feeling of being completely consumed by someone else's being that you completely forget everything and everyone else even exists? That's how I felt when Riley's face broke into a smile as he hovered over me, both our bodies completely exposed to the other.

I pulled his face down to mine, running my hands over his shoulders, holding them tightly as his lips crashed back into mine forcing a whimper to escape me. There was still so much space between us, and even though neither of us knew what we were doing exactly, I had the building need to feel his skin on mine.

I pulled down on his shoulders as he lost his balance and fell forward, landing on top of me. I laughed at how powerful that had made me feel, while he readjusted himself onto his elbows. He inched his face closer to mine as I closed my eyes and parted my lips awaiting his mouth on mine.

My breath hitched when I felt his tongue on my neck again. He was kissing and sucking the juncture of my neck just above my collar bone as my mind completely went blank with pleasure. I wrapped my arms back around his broad shoulders and held the top of his body as close to me as I could, while his tongue awakened a variety of new sensations in my body, completely overwhelming my senses.

His hand lowered at the same time his face kissed down over my chest until he finally reached my breast. I had lost all comprehension, all logical thought of what feeling was coming from where when he pulled my nipple into his mouth, lapping his tongue over the sensitive bud, while his fingers stroked the sensitive flesh between my legs.

"Oh god!" I moaned loudly, clutching the back of his hair.
"I'll never get tired of you." He breathed moving back up my neck as he slipped a finger inside of me.
"More Riles, please." I begged as his tongue teased the skin below my earlobe.

He chuckled, his lips vibrating against my skin, increasing the growing need I felt in my lower body to feel more. I moved my hips against his hand and he seemed to get the message, pushing another finger inside me.

He continued to lap his tongue over my neck as his fingers moved in and out of me. I could feel the tension building within me, like an elastic waiting to snap. I didn't even recognize my own voice as I moaned and begged him not to stop.

"Come for me Britt." He said as I rolled my eyes back and shattered and squeezed down on his hand.

I was still breathing heavy as my chest moved up and down quickly, matching Riley's ragged breaths. He removed his fingers and pressed his lips back to mine, slower this time. My eyes closed as his hands entwined with mine and his lips moved slowly over mine.

He let go of one of my hands to position himself as he squeezed my hand in the other.
"Britt look at me, are you..?" He began as my eyes opened and fixed on his.

"I want you to. I love you!" I responded as I felt him right there at my entrance.

The next few seconds were a tidal wave of feelings and emotions. As he slowly pressed into me, inch by inch, his eyes held mine to his.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took in a deep breath when a sharp pain shot through my body.

"Are you okay? Should I ?" Riley stuttered as I opened my eyes again.
"No it's okay." I reassured him as the pain began to gradually subside.

He continued to press into me as his lips moved on mine until all I could feel was his lips massaging mine, and a new fullness inside me.

It was a strange feeling, uncomfortable and different, but as he started to move I felt a whole new sensation of need and love for the guy that was all mine.

"I'm okay, I promise." I smiled staring into his eyes and recognizing the apprehension in them. "Please keep going."

He continued to thrust slowly in and out before he stilled within me and let out a deep breath kissing my nose and forehead.

"I love you so much Britt!" He smiled as he pulled out of me and laid down beside me.

I nestled into the side of him as his fingers feathered up and down my back. I had been so afraid of giving myself to someone like that, and yet every second of the whole thing was perfect beyond words.

I felt bad for all the girls that regretted their first time. The girls who were personal quests of the bad boys, another notch on their belt and nothing more. There was nothing I regretted about what we had just done, except that we didn't do it sooner.

I looked up at Riley, those brown orbs pulling at my heart strings while my brain reminded itself that I was lucky.

Truthfully I knew I was. I would always look back on this and remember how beautiful, how absolutely perfect the whole experience was. He was gentle, caring, considerate.

I felt like we had  formed a permanent bond with each other, a bond that was deeper than anything else we had ever done. One of the biggest experiences we would encounter in life we had given to each other, strengthening the foundation of our relationship. No matter what happens from here on out, no one would ever be able to take that experience from us.

"Thank you... for being my first and well, always being there for me." I said as my eyes watered with the overwhelming feeling of joy I felt knowing that I had not only shared this experience with Riley, but that it was more perfect than I had ever hoped for. Feeling connected to him like this was the best feeling I had ever known.

He smoothed the pad of his thumb across my cheek as he smiled down at me. "I wouldn't change a single thing about tonight. You are perfect Britt and I love you so much. Now lets get some sleep so we can do that again in the morning." He leaned down kissing my forehead.

I cuddled into him relishing in my new found womanhood. I felt at peace for the first time in a long time. Wrapped up in blankets with him made me feel safe. There was no nagging thoughts of our families, Carl, or Kyle, only elation that the title of 'Virgin' was no longer over my head and thus one less worry was on my mind.

I closed my eyes and finally let myself completely relax. My body was spent and my mind felt completely clear. Unlike all the nights I had spent worrying or overthinking, I was actually able to fall asleep with ease.

Riley brought me breakfast in bed the next morning, kissing me sweetly before setting a plate of bacon, eggs and toast on my lap on top of the blanket .

"Eat up, We have to lock up in a few hours and then I have one more stop on the way back." He informed me.

I was starving, more so than usual. I had always been someone who really enjoyed breakfast, part of always rushing for school meant that I actually enjoyed weekend breakfasts with mountains of food. My stomach growled as I looked down at the food on the plate. It wasn't going to last long and with as angry as my stomach seemed to be I was sure that Riley was going to have to make more.

I wasn't wrong, after my second helping of food Riley cleared away my plate and sat on the bed in front of me. He took my hands in his, the tip of his thumbs brushing the tops of my knuckles as those soft chocolate eyes looked back at me with a slight trace of concern.

"So how do you feel.. after....?" He hesitated.
"Honestly," I shifted on my knees closing my eyes as the discomfort I felt. "I'm pretty sore,"
"I'm sorry, Britt I.." He cut me off.
"Riley, let me finish." I stopped him. "I'm sore, but I loved every single second of last night. Nothing meant more to me than sharing that with you."
So you don't regret it?" He asked turning his head away and running his hand through his hair, clearly nervous for my response.

I reached over and grabbed his hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"Riley, there is nothing I could ever regret about last night. It was perfect. You are the most amazing boyfriend I could ever have hoped to find, and I will remember and cherish every last memory of last night. Not just because it was my first time, or yours, but because we shared it together and I love you."

"I love you Britt, Now come on." He smiled pulling me off the bed with him. "Lets get going, I have one last surprise!" He smiled mischievously.

And so began the last day of the most perfect and memorable weekend of my life.

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