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A second, that brief snapshot of time, was all it took to completely destroy any chance of us ever being friends again. As if he suddenly felt me pushing him away he released me, his face shocked!

"Britt I'm sor— "

"What the fuck?" Riley's voice came from behind me as I spoke over him.

"Why would you do that?" I choked as a mixture of new emotions came to the surface. Feelings I had never felt for anyone but Riley.

Why would my body be tingling after a kiss, one I didn't even want. It didn't make sense. There was no way that any of this meant anything more than my body taunting me. Riley was the one for me and no one, not even Kyle and his super soft lips would change that.

Still I didn't like this, the feeling any kind of reaction to anyone but Riley, and I didn't have any time to process any of it before I instinctively turned into Riley's arms.

I don't know if holding onto him was for my benefit or his, since he was clearly ready to punch Kyle.

"Riles can we go?" I asked my voice almost a whisper, "please?"

Riley looked back at Kyle shooting him a death glare before nodding and walking me back inside the house.

Once we were inside Riley moved us to Bretts room upstairs and closed the door. He looked scared, upset, and angry all at once as he stroked the wet patch under my eyes.

"I'm fine, promise" I said and physically I was, emotionally I wasn't so certain anymore.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I told him we could be friends but that I didn't feel comfortable being around him alone anymore."


"Well the day Brett brought me here, the day I was supposed to be with Kyle, he told me he had feelings for me. I told him I didn't feel the same and left." I admitted "I should have told you, but I was hoping that after I talked to him tonight he would let it go."

"Well I don't blame him." Riley forced a smile sensing my discomfort. "But I still want to punch him for kissing you!"

"I really just want to go home, but I know you want to spend the new year with your friends too!"

"Britt, if you want to leave we can leave."

"No I'll be fine. I just need a minute and then I need to find Ava before she never talks to me again!" I sighed.

He pulled me back to him and kissed my forehead, then my nose, before looking in my eyes as if searching for any hint of reluctance from me.

"I love you." He said softly as his eyes darted down to my mouth.

"I love you!" I replied as our eyes closed and lips brushed in a feather soft embrace.

It was a relief to know that Riley's lips still felt like home, like the place mine belonged. It was settling for the nerves and doubt that had briefly entered my mind.

I guess that was a problem all in itself — that there had ever been doubt in the first place. That for a split second there was more than just skin touching skin when Kyle kissed me, a physical reaction to the contact between us that shouldn't have happened.

I took his hand and together we walked downstairs and met Brett by a beer pong table he had set up.

"Britt!" Brett smiled wrapping his arm over my shoulder. "Come play with us! I know Riley is driving, but Avas partner just bailed so she needs a team mate!"

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