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do y'all not like chap 13 god damn she got ratio-ed in viewers and votes by fourteen D: /j

small kisses pepper over your forehead, eventually landing on your lips in a peck.

you grin, winking an eye open to see weston next to you with tired eyes. you fell asleep in his room last night, the two of you were very affectionate towards eachother. you personally were very aware of you and kalynn's earlier conversation.

you were both in his room all night, putting on youtube videos and movies while sneaking in innocent glances and touches. the three words you knew were true always so close to edging off your tongue every few minutes.

both of you were practically giddy, laughing obnoxiously at the smallest things. you both seemed to calm down at around 2:45am, weston wrapping his arms around you as he gently played with your hair until you drifted to sleep.

tons of your friends reached out to both of you as well, telling you how happy they all are for you and weston.

you slowly get out of his bed after small conversation with him, feeling the sudden urge to take a shower. you're filming a coffee cam featuring aksel today, so you planned out a good looking outfit for the video.

after your shower, you sat on your bed for awhile, enjoying time to yourself. you haven't been on twitter since last night, and don't feel the need to since you know weston hasn't tweeted you anything.

you scroll on tiktok mindlessly, sending weston a specific video that made you laugh. there was a low quality video in the back, with text over it reading "just realized those three hickeys on weston's neck in his stream were from y/n everything makes sense"

you click on the comments, half knowing what the controversy will be about.

get this image out of my head

i cant picture it

and she was prob hot while doing it

i forgot ab this aspect of relationships


they are both 19 i'm begging some of u guys in the comments to get over it

weston is living my dream

you scroll away, not bothering to click on the replies on some of them. this is the one issue with the fandom, everything has disagreements.

every streamer is babied, literal adults treated like children. you've talked about it various times while live, but it's seemingly impossible to get into some people's brains.

if you and weston had no sexual relationship at the age of 19, people would think it's weird. but when you do, people still think it's weird. you'll never be able to give them what they want.

you stop on a video with you and weston's name in it, watching it all the way through with a smile.

"how can you say weston and y/n's relationship is for views when these pictures of them exist"

multiple pictures of the two of you run through, one of them catching your eye. you haven't seen it before, it was a picture of the two of you in the car, singing hooked on a feeling to eachother.

a fan must have taken it, it makes sense since the roof was down and the music was blaring. you didn't mind it though, the picture was sweet.

you continue to watch the video, sunday kind of love playing in the background. your thumb hovers over the comment section, debating on whether to click on it or not.

you do it anyways, just interested in what everyones saying.

no bc theyre meant for eachother


they're like the same person i love them

you click off with that, not wanting to go any further just to see something bad.

your phone vibrates, showing weston's response to the tiktok you sent him about the hickeys.

weston koury
LOLLL didn't know ppl could see them

the text notification makes you snort out a short laugh, finding it funny for some reason. you shake your head with a smile at him being so nonchalant over people being aware about you and weston being intimate with eachother.

then again, it really doesn't matter. if anything, you're sure people would have been able to guess. it doesn't make you uncomfortable, and obviously doesn't make weston uncomfortable, so there's no issue with it.

of course, there's still a boundary. if people only start talking about you and weston's sex life it'll become a problem.

"hey," weston's voice shifts your attention towards your open door, watching him close the door behind him and jump onto your bed next to you.

"hey, when're leaving for the coffee cam today?" you run your fingers through your blow dried hair, moving it out of the way.

"probably in like 10. you look cute!" he smiles at you while looking at your outfit, the mint scent of his gum huffing out.

"your necklace oh my goodness," your mouth falls into an open mouth smile, holding the charm on the necklace between your fingers.

its a gummy bear charm on a thin silver chain, matching his outfit. you see his chest slightly rise up and down as he laughs quietly.

"looks lovely on you, very cute," you give him a soft grin, letting the charm fall back against his chest once you release it.

"c'mon, they're probably ready to go," he grabs your hand, pulling you off your bed and out your door.

"good morning," you greet kalynn and aksel, them returning the gesture once they hear you.

the four of you head out the door, not filming anything until you get in the car. during the walk down to the parking garage, you all debate where you should get the coffee for the video.

weston suggests dunkin, hes been complaining about the charli for days. he had it once, and is now overly obsessed with it.

you all agree to settling for dunkin, finally reaching your car.

you and kalynn hop in the front, kalynn in the drivers seat. weston and aksel were both in the back, it took awhile to position the camera to the right position to fit everyone in.

you hit record, moving the perfectly set up camera towards you so that you could fix your hair in the camera.

"y/n the camera isnt set up correctly now," weston says from the back seat, raising his hand in the air and looking over your seat.

"just, hold on a sec," you adjust it again, getting a better angle of yourself so that you can successfully part your hair.

you back up from the camera, getting the overall look of your hair and being semi happy with it. you tamper with the lighting until it's right, zooming in to the back seat directly to aksel.

"aksel," you half whisper, catching his head turn towards you quickly on camera.

kalynn laughs at his reaction to his name being called while turning out of the parking garage, weston making a "pffttt," type laugh at it.

"COFFEE TIME!" you say close up to the camera before putting it back in the middle so that it could see everyone.

"good intro clip," weston nods his head in the back seat, still laughing at the whole thing you just recorded.

the rest of the video went well, you managed to record a solid 23 minutes before ending it. it was fun having aksel there, it's usually only the three of you. it was a great day, everything next to perfect.

this chapter is so shit sry it's 2am

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