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"dude, she wont shut up about weston, gets on my nerves," kalynn sat beside you, showing you the messages shes been getting from this girl who added her on snapchat.

"block her, not worth your time. why cant she just talk to weston directly?" you raise your eyebrows in annoyance. this isnt the first time someone only talks to kalynn to get closer with her brother.

"i heard my name?" speak of the devil, weston walks out of his room, moving the fly away hairs away from his forehead. he shoves his phone in his pocket and cocks his head to the right, swiftly moving his long hair with it.

"you've got a lover, weston," you bite your lip into the smile, trying to keep yourself from laughing. weston walks over to your left, sitting next to you with a surprised look. your knees ever so slightly brushing past each other every once in a while.

"oh yeah? who is it?" he turns his head towards kalynn, who was on the other side of you. you caught his eyes while he was turning his head, causing him to give you a small smile. your cheeks flushed pink, quickly changing your focus over to kalynn as well.

"there's this girl whos been snapping me. she only talks about you though. thinking about blocking her, can i? or are you interested or something," she turned to face weston, you doing the same. he stutters for a split second, his knee drifting away from yours.

"yeah, block her. im not interested. im thinking about going to barnes n noble real quick, either of you coming with?" a wave of relief washed over you once he said he wasn't interested. it was no secret to yourself now that you had a massive crush on weston. it started in the beginning of quarantine, and over the past year its only grown. you've planned to keep it to yourself, not wanting to mess up your living situation.

"yeah, i'll come. kalynn?" you got up from your seat and grabbed a mask off the kitchen counter, weston doing the same.

"im sorry i cant, you guys totally go though. pick me up a coffee when you leave?" she asks in question, handing you 5 dollars to pay for it. you give her a warm smile and nod, grabbing your phone out of your room and changing while your in there.

you decide to change into a black mini skirt that fits tight around your thighs, a white lace cami, and your brand new white doc martens. you walk back out of the room while spraying some perfume, heading over to the first aid cabinet.

"hold up a sec, i gotta put some band aids on my heels, i dont want to get blisters."

"y/n, that top is so cute, you look so hot oh my god," kalynn looks at you up and down, her mouth in an open mouthed smile.

you turn around to look at her with a dimpled smile, shiftingto the side and lifting your left leg in the air in a pose. she laughed, weston seeming relatively quiet. you turn over towards weston, to find him with his hand behind his neck, and his eyes focused towards the white countertop.

you furrow your eyebrows and lower your head to his eyelevel, catching eye contact once you get low enough. you smile cheekily, trying to make him smile. he gives a small smirk and gets snapped back into reality, lifting his head back up.

"ok, we'll back in a bit kalynn," you head towards the door, grabbing westons wrist and dragging him along with you. this finally got a laugh out of him, it seemed like something was on his mind, but you couldnt figure it out.

you shut the apartment door behind you, leaving just the two of you out in the hall.

"are you alright weston? you seemed kind of down back in there," your eyes turned inward, empathy showing right through them. he looked at your eyes, down to your lips, and then down towards your hand, which was still grasping his wrist.

you quickly let go, not even realizing that you were still holding it.

"im totally fine, ive got a lot on my mind. this virus thing isnt doing good things to my thoughts man," just like that, he seemed to be fine again, catching you off guard. "come on," he pulls you out of your confusion and starts walking down to the parking garage, you following close behind.

the drive over to barnes n noble was quick, weston picked up the book he wanted and you bought a pack of mint gum up by the register. you only bought kalynn a drink, you and weston werent really thirsty for starbucks.

you were back in the parking garage in no time, you and him making small talk and laughing the whole way over.

"its not funny! im seriously touch deprived wes, havent felt the touch of a man since my junior year of highschool," you laugh through the hallways of your guys' apartment building, pulling down your mask once you reached the sign that told you it was safe to do so. it was second nature at this point.

weston's laugh quickly faded into nothing, seeming to zone out again like he did before you guys left.  you decide to keep talking, not wanting to bring attention to it. you were right next to your apartment door, so you only needed to make a little bit more small talk before you could barricade yourself in your room.

"im a nineteen year old woman who streams video games for a god damn living, i mean i think any man would be lu-"

westons lips meet yours against the front door, cutting you off. you melt into him, cheeks reaching a dark crimson.

you back up from the kiss, westons eyes immediately finding yours. "im sorry, i shouldnt have, i just," he stutters with his words, seeming worried that it made you uncomfortable.

you met his lips again, this time initiating it yourself. weston began to kiss back, harder. you took your fingers in his hair, gently tugging at the hairs that meet his neck. groaning into your lips, his hands grasp your sides, pushing your body closer to the door.

"weston," you mumble in between kisses, trying to contain the feeling in your lower stomach. youve waited for this for so long, has he been waiting this whole time too?

"hm?" is the only thing he responds with as he moves his lips down to your neck, finding the perfect spot under your ear to drive you crazy.

you shake your head, "not here, and not yet. i need to talk to you" you say breathlessly,  weston bringing his lips back up to your own, kissing them one last time before nodding in understanding.

you pull away and open the door, quickly being turned around by your waist to face weston again.

"we can talk in my room, you have to keep quiet about this until then, okay?" he whispers, his hand still on my waist.

nodding in approval, you walk into the apartment, throwing your mask into the laundry basket beside you and putting kalynn's drink in the fridge.

weston delicately held your right pinky finger, slowly dragging you into his room as you put your gum in the drawer. he gives you a small smile while doing so, the anticipation of the conversation that is yet to come driving you both insane.

holy shit?

author note     srry guys i just hate slow burns omegalul

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