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(if u wanna, pls vote! it helps the book out a lot:))

2 days later

you and weston finally found an open time to head back up to the cliff, he's been pretty down with twitter drama, so you were more then happy to see him back in his usual self.

you wore a red sun dress, weston always said it was a favorite of his. he wore his usual, a sweater with some random pants. he also gave you his jacket for when you get there, which was a giant hug.

"aren't your legs cold?" his hand was in yours, staring at your bare legs with a concerned look. he definitely isnt used to anything below sixty degrees, so being up here has to be a change for him.

"im not cold," you laugh at his worry, "i used to live in pennsylvania. it was a field day if it was anything above 45 in the month of march," he shakes his head at your words, obviously not believing you.

you both sit down at the edge of the cliff, the familiar breeze finding you again. weston was on your right, his back against the cold surface beneath the two of you.

"i'm glad you're feeling better, i hate seeing you upset," you mumbled, trying to speak quieter then normal because of how close your head was to his ear. he squeezes your hand, and you watch as the corners of his lips curve into a smile.

"i hate that its new for me to see you at peace," you couldn't help but say. you genuinely have never seen him relaxed, the only thing you wish is that you see him like this all the time.

he turns his head with his eyebrows crossed, "what do you mean?"

"i don't know, i guess i mean that i wish you would always feel like this," you turn your head towards him as well now, meeting his eyes, "i just want you to feel the way you feel up here all the time."

"you bring out this weird side of me, and it makes me feel exactly like i do up here, even if im not actively here. being in a place that is so euphoric while also being with someone who makes me feel the same way is like an overload," he faces his head back up to the sky now, "it makes me more vulnerable than usual. don't you think its neat though? its like our spot."

he smiles in complete bliss at his last sentence, as if he didn't know he was going to say that. you dont know the right thing to say, so all you do is lift your head on top of his chest. you're immediately greeted by a soft kiss on your head, and fingers delicately running through your hair.

both of you make the unspoken decision to just stay up there for awhile, not talking, just enjoying each others presence. you pay close attention to his breathing, feeling your head subtly rise up and down with each breath he takes.

you lifted your head to fit snug in the crook of his neck, feeling him slightly tilting his head to fit perfectly on top of yours.

your fingers interlock with eachother, resting next to your head against his chest. every once in awhile you can feel weston's thumb fidget with your ring, spinning it around your finger mindlessly.

the breeze runs through the ends of your hair, causing the strands to gently sway on the surface.

you hear weston take a big breath in and out, while he moves on to the next ring on your finger.

after minutes of lying there, weston's voice rings through your ear.

"can i take a picture?" is the only thing he whispers, you can hear the exhaustion in his voice. but this time, its not from just waking up, or a lack of sleep, its a peaceful exhaustion.

"of course, its dark though," you briefly open your eyes to the sky above, taking in how dark it really is. its been a while since youve seen the sky like this, it feels nice to see the night sky for what it is without city lights covering it.

"i'll turn on the flash, and smile!" he pulls his phone out, flips it to the back camera, and takes it.

your eyes were both squinted shut from the blinding flash, and both of your smiles were overdramatically wide. westons head was on top of yours, his arm overtop of your shoulder in the corner of the photo.

a weak laugh comes from weston, you doing the same. he favorites the photo, before completely shutting his phone off again.

"i really really like you, wes," you squeeze his hand as you whisper to him.

he lifts his head off your own, leaning down onto your lips. your hand finds his face out of instinct, kissing back with everything you could.

his tongue slips between your lips, his hand running across the sides of your waist. this is more passionate then before, it feels more real. its what you pretended all of your highschool hookups felt like.

his body shifted overtop of yours now, still continuing the kiss. it was all very slow, but you didnt want it any faster just yet. he pulls back from your lips temporarily to softly brush the baby hairs out of your face.

his eyes are filled with a genuine lust, a look that shows you how much it matters to him that you're the one he's kissing.

the grasp he has on your waist is tender, no aggression or rush in anything he's doing.

he slowly moved down against your neck, leaving small kisses along the way. the familiar feeling of his lips on your neck gradually gets more intense, the marks he was leaving slowly getting darker as he went.

your hands are tugging at his roots as he did so, rolling your head back into the ground underneath you. weston takes this as an invitation, and moves his focus over to the spots that were just uncovered.

he kisses back up your neck, finding your lips once again.

"i wish we were somewhere else," he breathes out into you, disapointment coming from his tone.

"do you wanna go home?" you break off the kiss, out of breath the same amount he is.

he nods while kissing you again, getting a last taste before standing up. he holds his hand out in front of him for you to take, which you gladly do.

the car ride back is the same as it always is, quiet chatter and muffled music. you admire his face as he drives, seeing the way you made his lips look almost swollen and worn out. you smile at the way his hair is ruffled from your fingers that were intertwined in it. it's the little things that you love.

you look down at your hands to inspect your rings. the smile on your face only growing as you fixed the direction they were facing, imagining exactly how he moved them around while he was holding you.

his hand grabs your thigh as usual, running his thumb over the back of your hand once you lay it on top.

all the way down the hallway you admire everything you had just noticed. its all still there, and you need to enjoy it before it fades.

the key fiddles through the lock, eventually getting it open. weston is more then eager to finish what started at the cliff, he isn't putting in any efforts to hide it.

an audible groan comes from weston once he looks into the apartment. you cant help but laugh once you see what the cause was.

"kalynn, you're back early!"

this chap is sappy

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