Chapter 31 - Not About Angels

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TW: anxiety tics...y'all like sad aaron right? No? Too bad:)

You paced back and forth, biting your nails off one by one to keep yourself busy. Aaron was in the bathroom doing who knows what. You two finally called the team to some comfort and they sat in the waiting room, watching you two freak out and only get worse as time goes by.

Sean was put into the OR for surgery and the nurses told you two he still had a chance of survival. "Y/N.." Spencer walked up to you, but you continued to pace and didn't hear him. "Y/N," he said more stern and he forced himself in your path so you stopped and looked up at him. "You're bleeding, come on."

You looked down at your finger s and sure enough, you bit far enough you were bleeding; covering the fingers with your good hand, Spencer guided you to the bathroom. Even though you two were very much opposite genders, the hospital didn't have stall bathrooms so no one else would bother you two either way. 

Spencer started the water and placed your hands underneath the fountain, keeping the water flow less harsh for your open wounds. You hissed in pain and almost pulled back but it became soothing over time. He pulled it back and took the soft paper towels, carefully wrapping the fingers a little bit. "If it keeps bleeding I'll call a nurse over, okay?" You nodded in response and he pulled you into a hug. 

"We can't lose him, Spencer." You whispered into his chest and felt yourself almost cry but you held it back, not letting the universe prove how weak you are. You almost belittled yourself, Sean was Aaron's brother and you were just his friend. That was the thing though, you were his best friend, his platonic other half. 

"I know, but he's a strong guy. He'll get through it." Another thing no one could promise. 

You stayed like that for a good chunk of five minutes before Aaron came over. You pulled back and wiped the tears away so he didn't see, which was a dumb idea because he clearly knew you were in tears. "Want to take a walk outside with me?" He looked at Spencer before looking back down at you. 

"Yeah sure, let me grab my jacket." You nodded and walked to the waiting room, taking your jacket from your chair and quickly throwing it on. While Aaron started walking back over you stopped a nurse quickly, "any news on Sean Hotchner?" 

"No ma'am, I'm sorry."

"That's fine," you sighed and looked at Emily, "call me if anything happens." The girl nodded at you before you felt a soft yet rough hand on your lower back. You'd usually jump and move from the hand in defense, but you knew it was Aaron in your gut.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his voice wavering and your heart dropped. You knew he needed out and time with you; frankly, you needed it too.

You nodded and held his hand before walking out somewhat quickly before him or you broke down too early. You had already cried, meaning you'd to it again involuntarily. Aaron's breathing picked up once you two hit those doors and you walked to a spot where no one was around unless nurses came out for an emergency.

"Hey, Aaron breathe." You immediately held his face while his eyes looked into yours, slowing down his breathing. "He'll be okay..we'll be okay." You spoke more to yourself than him.

"Y/N just face it. Sean wanted to be dead, that kid gets what he wants.."

"He'll fight, Aaron. We stayed with him for hours, he knows he has us. He'll fight for that heart to beat and he'll be okay." Your forehead landed on his and you two fought to breathe slowly, your exhales hitting each other like a warm bomb that surrounded your face.

You stood like that for who knew how long. The air pierced your skin and pained your ears, your hands were shaking and taking the bites of the chill; your entire body shook from the cold and you weren't any better from last nights freezing kiss. At some point Aaron held you to his chest so you two could radiate body heat, but it didn't work as well as he had hoped.

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