Chapter 30 - Highway to Hell

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This chapters kind of short, I apologize.

Hey, it's Sean Hotchner. Leave a message.

"Damnit!" You cursed while Aaron drove, who stayed silent. "Sean pick up." You begged and called again, receiving the same voicemail box introduction.

You stayed silent for a second and you heard Aaron whisper to himself while trying to keep his composure in front of you. He had called Haley's sister to babysit Jack, so he wasn't alone when he woke up.

"Don't take him from me..please don't take him from me, I lost my parents I can't lose my brother too." He stayed as silent as he could so you didn't hear, but you did and your heart broke.

You placed a hand on his knee and he looked at you while he stopped at a light. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he was ready to break at any moment; holding your hand, he acted like nothing was wrong.

"Aaron. Your brother just called us and said he's trying to kill himself, you don't have to act strong. In fact its normal for even Gideon or Rossi to cry if this happened to them."

"Y/N I can't lose my brother," he whispered softly and you nodded, you couldn't lose your best friend.

"I know..and we won't. Green light." You instructed him and he drove again, pushing the speed limit. Why did he have to live so far? Why did he do this? When did he relapse?

Aaron didn't dare ask you to promise, and you didn't dare promise; neither of you knew if this man would live or not. You worked with death, you practically worked against death. You saved people from their race against death, and sometimes he had a way of getting revenge on you.

You tried calling Sean again, but you received nothing for the first three rings. You were about to hang up when the phone picked up, "Sean?!"

"Who is this??" You heard a female voice ring out. You wondered if it was Sean's date he had but you froze in realization. There was no date, there was no girl, there was no anything. He lied to you, right to your face.

And you, a profiler, fell for it.

"This is Y/N Hotchner, Sean's best friend." The last name slipped out but you and Aaron let it go as if it was normal. "Who is this?"

"This is his neighbor. He's passed out on the floor and I called 9-1-1 but they said they could be a while. What happened??"

"I don't know, we're on the block now." The girl bid her goodbye and hung up.

"It's my fault," you whispered softly, looking down in shame. The hesitation to tell you, the act as if he made it all up, the nervous palms. Sean Hotchner doesn't get nervous for dates what were you thinking?! Aaron looked over at you on confusion, "he told me he was going on a date, that he was nervous."

"You couldn't have known-"

"I'm a fucking profiler, Aaron!" You accidentally blew up at him and sighed, rubbing your temples. "Baby, I'm sorry.."

"No I get it. The reason we're together is because of him, if it wasn't for Sean we would have never met. He's impacted our lives I get it." He explained how understanding before pulling into the apartment driveway and you both rushed out.

You were the first one at the already opened door, running in and yelling out Sean's name. You heard his neighbor call to you two and you both ran to him. You wasted no time to sink to your knees and feel his pulse; it was barely there, there, but barely there and you looked around the house to see how much he did.

By the time you came back you showed the vials the Aaron. "He can't survive this unless he gets medical help soon, Aar.." Both your hearts dropped at the fact. His neighbor squealed and you two turned your head before running over and seeing Sean start seizing.

"Roll him on his side," you ordered Aaron and he listened. You couldn't do anything, you three were left helpless until the ambulance got here. "Call 9-1-1."

"I already di-"

"Call again damnit!" You screamed at the girl and she jumped before shakily dialing the three numbers again.

"H-Hi It's Stella Bursh again, how long until you get here?" Pause. "You are?! Thank god! He's seizing now." Another pause while you and Aaron kept Sean on his side. "Yes, I think it'll stop soon. I hope," yet another long pause. "Yes sir." The girl hung up. "They're just pulling into the block."

Then you three heard it.

The relieving sound of ambulance sirens.


They rushed Sean into the hospital and they said you were lucky you got them on time or he'd immediately be dead.

"Is he gonna be okay?"

"Yes, he will ma'am. Now are you two family?"

"I'm his brother, this is my fianceé."

"I see no ring."

"Who needs a ring to be engaged?" You asked, already worried and mad at people today.

"Apologies. He's in room 217, you can visit him but call a nurse if anything happens." The doctor guided you two in a direction and you entered the elevator.

"He's okay.." You whispered and looked at Aaron, who looked at you and pulled you into a tight hug. You hid your face in his chest and felt yourself cry in his comfort, you heard a noise from him and knew he was softly crying but wouldn't admit it. 

The doors opened and you both stayed put for a second more before pulling back and walking out, finding room 217.

Sean laid there unconscious but his heart was beating thank god. The small beeps of his pulse from the machine calmed you down as you and Aaron walked on either side of him and sat down. You each held one of his hands before holding one anothers hands across him in relief.

For two hours you two sat there on different sides, trying to relax the best you could; you both freaked out whenever he moved or an unknown sound went off in the room. "You two need to relax, he isn't going anywhere." A nurse came in and said within an hour of your overstayed visit.

"You can't promise us that," you said softly, no one could promise anything in a hospital. The body could give out, a vein could pop, a bladder could burst, the hospital was full of the unknown. The three of you went silent after that and you and Aaron ended up falling asleep in your chairs. 

You didn't wake up, the nurses didn't disturb you two. Nothing shocked you awake, noises became nothing. 

Until the flat line.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

Hey Peaches,

I know it's a bit short but I had plans for every chapter and to be honest I was preparing to put this chapter in the best less-boring way possible.


Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter!

~ Brook ❤

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