Chapter 15 - Radio Song

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Drug abuse, emotionless high Aaron

You woke up two days later with a migraine and a body ache for some odd reason and the fact you had an event today made it all even worse. Slipping out of Aaron's arms, you went to the bathroom and downed some medication before laying back in bed beside Aaron. He stayed sound asleep and snored as you heard shuffling from the hallway.

You grabbed your gun and walked through the room to the door, slowly opening it before you were jumped by a dog. You jumped back to make sure she didn't knock you over as you sighed in relief, "you scared me, Nala."

You set your gun down on the table and sat on the floor, giving her permission to sit on your lap. Noticing it's 2:25 A.M. you chose to just pet Nala and stay quiet. She licked your face and tried to lick your mouth but you gagged at the horrible dog breath, you never had a pet dog nor did you ever really pet one. They were comforting pets and you would definitely sleep beside one or let them on your bed.

And that's what you did, you fell asleep beside Nala on the floor. You didn't want to disturb Aaron by getting you and Nala in bed but you didn't want to leave her; so you grabbed your pillow and a small blanket from the closet and fell asleep with the dog cuddling you.

Aaron's POV:

I woke up and noticed Y/N wasn't in bed at all. I figured she was in the bathroom but she wasn't, so my next guess was the kitchen or living room. I stretched a little and stood up before cracking my back; I walked to the other side of the bed and jumped back when I noticed Y/N and Nala sleeping together. 

Chose a dog over me, I knew I shouldn't have gotten her that dog. I chuckled to myself as I picked Y/N up and set her gently on the bed, Nala quickly following. I watched the golden dog curl up next to my fiance and fall asleep quickly. I kissed both their foreheads and went back down to Jack's room and looked around; he was with Jessica until the court case which was in three days. 

I was nervous, incredibly nervous. If I wasn't around enough for Jack then I wouldn't get custody, but I'm starting to think Y/N should back down from the BAU. As much as we love having her, she is going to have an episode every case if we aren't careful and I can't put her through all that.

I left the room and walked into the kitchen, looking around and noticing the room temperature shifting. I grabbed a glass of water and checked the date to see what we have planned today. In big read bold letters I read to myself under my breath "Police questioning - Y/N" I sighed girl can't catch a damn break. 

I wanted to just keep her home, shield her from the world. I couldn't even do that when we were "together" anyways, how could I do that now?

I woke up to banging on the front door, the sound of thunder washing over it. I groaned and grabbed my sweatpants, slipping them on. I was the only one home and this person was in for it when I opened the door. I was still high off my ass and I knew I wouldn't remember this in the morning.

The banging stopped and I heard a scream as lightning flashed, sending a snapping white light all through-out the house. I wondered if it was Y/N but I banned her from coming back here after she confessed her feelings for me. We agreed on no strings attached, my eyes were set on Haley Brooks and I just needed to fuck someone here and there. 

I opened the door and saw a woman beating a guy as he kept trying to carry her away. I stayed silent as I thought it was our crazy neighbor again who was constantly thinking her husband was trying to kill her all because of a bad dream she had. The woman looked up at me and I noticed it was Y/N, I was about to close the door when she screamed out.

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