Chapter 26 - Battlefield

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Day four, no unsub found. You and the team were becoming a little bit agitated, you all wanted to get home but instead you were all stuck in Michigan. The days where growing colder again and soon you would find your first crumpled leaf on the ground. 

It was rounding out at dark again and you all knew you'd be dismissed to go the hotel and sleep. That's all you wanted to do either way, but you continued to search every night; no one but Aaron started to notice you grew more and more tired as you only got an hour of sleep in the past three days. He said nothing in fear you'd lash out like you always tend to do when you're exhausted and angry.

"Sorry guys, it's too late for me to tell y'all stay." The sheriff walked over and picked at his belt and badge. The team collectively sighed as they nodded and closed their files before making their rounds and leaving one by one, agreeing to hit the bar tonight.

"Y/N do you need a ride?" Spencer walked over to you and asked you with his tired expression.

"What? No, I wanna walk tonight."

"With a serial killer on the loose?!" He suddenly snapped awake and looked at you with wide eyes as he made a scene. Kicking him in the shin, you grabbed his ear and growled in it. 

"Shut up, I can take care of myself, Pipe Cleaner." You threatened and let him go. Spencer rubbed his ear gently before nodding and grabbing his stuff, leaving the ballpen without a trace nor evidence he was here other than the evidence for the case on the boards scattered around the room.

Tyson and Aaron were having a conversation down the hall, and you knew they both assumed everyone was gone. I hesitated to go into the room, talk with them, but I didn't; I turned around and left the building to head to the bar and didn't look back.

Aaron's POV:

"So, Tyson. You seem smart, what do you know about the unsub?" I asked the boy calmly, not being a fan of him due to his wandering haze on my fian- Y/N.

I wish I could turn back time and take it back, work it out instead of blowing up at her and attacking her like that. I never meant it, but I knew she thought I did; there was a tiny possibility this was just a break, and we'd be back to normal.

That is...if she doesn't fine someone better.

"He's cautious, but smart. He's misunderstood and is just trying to do what's best. He's saving lives and no one seems to notice.." Tyson trailed off and something inside me screamed to leave. I watched his behavior, the way his jaw clenched and his hands tightened into a fist so tight he started to bleed and his hand shook.

I tried to profile him, which I knew was wrong but I felt the need to, he looked like he was about to attack someone for taking his possession if he was a kid. Tyson's eyes stared at the board, specifically the profiles each agent gave for this case.

"A coward?" His voice was stern and rough, putting the hair on my neck on edge and alert like a dog. "What do they mean a coward?" Tyson's teeth clenched and ground into his jaw before he let out a frustered yelled and he kicked the board over.

I glanced at my gun on the table but before I could grab it, I heard a click in front of me. "Hands up. Don't even think about it." Tyson's voice put me in defensive mode, he was the man with the gun, the higher power.

I put my hands up.

Tyson took my gun and padded my legs to ensure I didn't have another, to which I did; he took that gun and took the bullets out of each one before chucking them across the room.

"Tyson, let's think about this.." I said softly to try and get the gun out of his hands. 

"Already have. Don't move or I shoot you then your girlfriend!" He hollared at me and I froze, knowing who he meant.

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