Começar do início

Edward was on time as he strolled up to the school, gazing up at the proud, iron gates that wrapped around the tall, old-fashioned building, the Midtown name incorporated by dark, twisted bars, of which he walked under. The name decorated above the two front doors too, carved into an elegant, stained blue glass. Students came in from all directions, streaming into the school like a shoal of fish.

As Eddy stepped into the school, heading straight to the desk at the opposite end of the hall of lockers, a TV blared from high above on the walls.

"Rise and shine, Midtown Science and Technology!"

A collective groan was emitted from a group of older students, who hung around the first locker to his left. Eddy glanced up at the TV, eyebrows raised.

"Students, don't forget about your homecoming tickets," the boy to the left said. He opened his lips to ask another question, but paused, cringing as a light behind the camera faulted, lighting his brown skin with a deep, blue tint. He smiled. "Do you have a date for homecoming?"

The blonde girl beside him forced on a smile and stared at the camera as their names finally appeared beneath their flushed faces. "Thanks, Jason, but I already have a date."

"Heads up!"

Eddy ducked as a small plane-like object flew close to his head. Behind him, a boy held the remote.

"Damn it. You, in my office right now."

"Mr Carter, is it?" The woman at the desk smiled at him widely, shuffling closer to the bench as he reached the office. He nodded, biting down the familiar sense of not quite knowing what to do with what he had. "Brilliant to have you here at Midtown. You'll love it! Your first lesson of the day is physics with Ms Warren in room 038. The rest are written on your timetable on this sheet."

She handed him a pile of a few different papers, a sticker with his name scrawled on the front wrapped around the edged. Then she pulled out a pile of textbooks and dumped them on the desk.

"Your parents ordered these to the school so you'd have them all for your locker on the first day. This is your code and number for that, too. Do you need me to find someone to show you around?"

Eddy looked down at the pile of books in surprise, wholly shocked that Tony had even thought to buy him books. But he was quick to shake his head. "No, that's alright, thank you."

"So polite," she said, grinning down at him. He couldn't help the funny look he sent her way. He'd said the bare minimum for politeness. "Have a wonderful day."

"Thank you."

Taking the pile of books between his arms, Eddy hurried across the hall, scanning the lockers for the numbers that were scribbled on the crumpled paper. 355. He found it near the middle and fiddled with the combination one-handed until it clicked open, allowing him to slump the pile messily into the bottom.

"Join me, and together... we'll build my new Lego Death Star."

Edward startled as a voice hissed beside him. He turned to watch the source of the noise, eyebrows raising at the small figurine that was perched on the shoulder of the smaller boy of the two. The boy with the deep, tanned skin grinned as he moved the figure about. Beside them, a group of girls laughed, and Eddy watched humorously as the smaller boy widened his eyes, flickering between the group and then to Eddy. The boy covered his face with the door of his locker, but it didn't block the sound of his excited whispering.

"No way! That's awesome. How many pieces?"

Eddy smiled to himself. He was pretty in a boyish sort of way, his hair a light brown, and curled slightly at the front. His features were soft, and eyes kind, the apparent smoothness of his skin broken by the embarrassed cringe on his face.

super super. peter parkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora