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It's been three days that Lisa is here at the hospital. She has been unconscious because of the medicines given to her.

I spent my days here at the too and one morning, I got up from my sleep because of a body movement. I slept on the chair, leaning my head on her bed and just holding her hand. I think I have been doing this for days now.

She opened her eyes and just looked at me with a serious face. I smiled at her and kissed her lips but she is staring at me blankly.

Fuck! No way!

I called the nurse and reminded her to bring to me Lisa's records again and her latest CT scans result. Her Doctor is not yet at the hospital by this time.

Mom and Dad are shocked too. Lisa is just staring at us without saying a word.

The nurse came by and checked Lisa's vital signs. The nurse looked at me and I know what that look means.

I was leaning my back on the wall and crossed my arms.

"Hi, Lisa."
I said in my serious tone.

"Who— who are you?"
She said.

I looked at Mom and Dad they are frightened.

I took the tissue roll from the table beside me and threw it straight to Lisa.

"Babe, stop!"
She said protecting her face when I hit her and about to get the banana and gestured to throw at her again.

"Jennie! Baby. Please stop. I'm sorry!"
She said laughing.

I came near her and sat on her bed crossing my arms.

"Don't you ever trick us again! I have been checking on you and your results for days now. I'm a Doctor and don't play with me, Lisa. Your brain is well. 
You frightened us!
I said with my voice rising up because she is such a bitch for freaking us out with her joke!

I'm about to slap her chest but she immediately took my hand and kiss it.

"I'm sorry. Please don't get mad. I'm sorry."
She said and gestured to pull me by the waist so I can kiss her lips.

"No. I won't."
I stood up and looked at her straight in the eyes sharply. I got irritated!
Her joke was not fine!

"Baby, I'm sorry."
She keeps apologizing.

"You're crazy, Lisa! I was about to have a heart attack!"
Dad scolded her while holding his chest.

"You don't know what we have been through. We're worried about you."
Mom said while crying. Dad comforted Mom.

"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad.
Jennie, I am sorry. I won't joke around anymore about my situation. I promise!"
Her eyes became sad and I already requested for her food to be brought inside the room.

I sat beside her. I'm feeding this big baby with something to eat.
She keeps smiling while looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I am so lucky. The hottest Doctor here is feeding me."
I rolled my eyes at her.

"Baby, I am sorry. Please? Please? I need your kiss right now for me to be well."
Lisa is just so irresistible! Ugh!  I must be mad at her but—.

I placed her food at the side and I leaned my head on her chest.

I cried again.
I sobbed.

"I— I thought I am going to lose you. I can't take it.
I want to be with you forever."
I said while catching my breath.

Lisa took my chin for me to face her. She kissed my lips tenderly and a tear fell from her eyes too.

"The moment my tire was shot, I felt the shake. And I knew I was bumping. I swiftly shifted the car to another direction so I won't hit other people passing by the street. And at that moment, I thought of either surviving or dying.
Am I just asleep for days, love?"
She shared and asked.

I explained all procedures done to her.
She took my hand and held it; never letting go.

"We're here with you everyday. I was so scared, babe."
I said and a tear fell from my eyes again.

"I am so sorry for what happened to me. Maybe I should tighten my security from now on. I have a lot more tough cases to face soon, Jen. "
She said.

"You really should. I am really scared. I don't want to lose you. Lisa, I still want to have children with you. We'll still build our home, right? We'll be together traveling the world. Let's secure your safety from now on."
I am too emotional. Lisa is blushing.

"I hope one day I can see you in your white coat with my last name on your name plate, Jennie. God. I'll be walking here inside the hospital visiting the hottest Doctor alive!"
She said giggling.

"You never even asked me to be your girlfriend yet, Lisa."
I said and she is just smirking.

I took my phone and called Dr. Ford about this offer I got from Dr. Yoo. I know it's going to be a big responsibility. I must hear some advice from experts.
I could also hear Mom and Dad telling Lisa that I'll be the hospital Director of this place soon and that I have to consult it with her first.

When finished talking to Dr. Ford, Lisa wanted me to sit beside her.

"You want to accept the offer to be the Director of this hospital?"
She asked.

I nodded.

"But I still have to consult and discuss it with you if it's the right thing to do."
I said.

"Of course, love. But the question is, will you be happy taking a huge responsibility?  And of course your time, your time accommodating your patients will be lessened. But you know, you still have the power to serve them if you want to. Always your call, Doc."
She encouraged me and I smiled at her.

"Okay. But can we discuss about this when you're totally fine, Lis? I know you will be thinking about this and create ways in your head right away. I want you to focus on yourself now. You need to heal."
I said.

"Dad said you also want to buy this hospital from your parents inheritance?"
She doesn't stop. I nodded.

"Do— do you think it's the right thing to do?"
I asked.

"Your parents will be so proud of you, baby. Let me process it once I get back to work. Let me talk to Dr. Yoo asap."
She said and smiled.

"No. Be well first. Will you please think of yourself while you are healing, Lisa?! Ugh. You're really stubborn."
I scolded her.

"But I am getting better already when I see you here and smell you by my side, Dr. Kim."
She said. I just chuckled and shook my head.

Shuta ka Lisa...wag ka mag bibiro ng amnesia amnesia kung ayaw mo mabato ka ng tissue ulit at baka may kasama pang saging! Mas masakit yun!

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