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I never expected what happened to my parents.
It's unbelievable that they're gone now.

I don't know where to get my strength anymore.
I am full of regrets. I was not able to finish Med for them.
I was not able to tell them how much I love them before they died.

I am just thankful that Lisa and her family are here to comfort me and support me.
Also to our friends too who never left my side during the wake.

Lisa made me decide on how many days the wake will take place and when will be the funeral.
She settled everything because I can't handle it myself at this moment.

She never left my side.
She always makes sure I won't feel alone.

Now, how will  live after the funeral? I will be alone. I will never see my parents again.

But I think I have to help myself too.
I also need to ask forgiveness from Lisa. You know what I'm saying.
We may not be in love with each other anymore but I have to make amends.

My parents' personal lawyer talked to us and Lisa was also present. She has to be present.
We found out that my parents have a mausoleum in an exclusive cemetery in Seoul and we decided to bury them there.

Lisa set a meeting again with my parents' lawyer after the burial.

I have decided to hold the wake for only three days and the day has come for the funeral.
I didn't make a speech or something as I can't take it.

Lisa did it for me and everyone was crying.

"Uncle Johan and Aunt Nila were my second set of parents. They treated me like their own. For everyone's information, their daughter Jennie and I were ex-lovers. Yes. I was a poor teenager who fell in love with their classy and gorgeous daughter Jennie Kim.

But Johan the great once said:

"I want you for my daughter, Lisa.
Marry my daughter, Lisa.
But don't make her pregnant until you two are professionals already."

I obeyed them. I always live by their guiding words.

But even if Jennie and I didn't succeed in our relationship, Aunt and Uncle never cut their ties with me. They're even the ones who went to my graduation when I finished law school and even accompanied me on stage.
Uncle Johan, never missed a chance to teach me how to become a great lawyer just like him. He also taught me how to be a faithful person to Jennie. Aunt Nila never failed to remind me that I can be the best version of myself not just for me but most especially for family. They had always been the coolest person you got to meet on earth. They're as loving as my parents. They believed me. That's why I always chose to obey them in everything they advised me to do. Because I knew even from the start, that just like my parents, they want me to succeed and here I am.
Do you know that Aunt and Uncle were the first people I treated with my first salary as a lawyer? I couldn't do it with my family because I'm in the US that time. So Aunt and Uncle had a date with me and they were so happy that I have reached my dreams.
Uncle Johan was my hero same as my Dad.
He pushed me hard. Even if my knees are becoming weak because of studying law, he kept encouraging me to get up and continue. He was a fighter. He was the best lawyer we all had and his legacy will always remain in our hearts.

LAW OF ATTRACTION (Author's Reco)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant