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L: Jen!

J: Yes, Lisa?

L: What are you doing now?

J: Eating.

L: What are you eating?

J: Cereals.

L: Seriously? Cereals at 1pm? Have you eaten a decent meal? I don't think Mom would allow you to eat cereals at this time.

J: Do you have a problem with that? I have eaten Mom's roast duck and mashed potatoes for lunch. You jealous? I asked permission before they left the house for Hanbin's medication. She allowed me to eat cereals. I'm really craving.

L:  Ugh! I miss Mom's roast duck.

J: I'm sorry. I think I ate everything. None left. 😛

L: Ugh.

L: You want to go out now? I'm on my way there from a hearing.

J: Where are we going? Ask Mom first.

L: Let's watch a movie.

J: Huh? Why me?

L: Why not?

J: Ask Mom if you can ask me out on a date.

Of course, I was just teasing her.

L: This is not a date.

J: I know. You're too gullible.

L: Date me. 🥰

Okay. I did not reply.
After thirty minutes,

she opened the door and just pulled me from the couch and we left the house.

"Lisa, did Mom agree on this? I'm calling her."
I took my phone and called Mom but Lisa grabbed my phone away.

"No! She won't allow me to take you out of the house."
She said.

"Call her."
I insisted.

"Ugh! Okay!"
She dialed mom's number and we're both listening as she connected it to her car's speaker.

"Mom, sorry I took Jennie with me."
Her introduction.

"Lisa, you are so hard-headed! Bring Jennie back home!"
Mom insisted.

"No. Just— just for today. We're just going to watch a film at my house."
She said.

"At your house? Mom, you're on speaker mode."
I said. I thought we're watching a film at the mall.
She nodded.

"Lisa, if Jennie comes home crying again, this will be your last time taking her out. Mark my words."
She warned her daughter.

"I promise."
She said.

"Jennie, call me right away if she will do something that will hurt you. Okay?"
Mom said.

"Yes, Mom! Take care. I love you."
I said.

"I love you too. Please drink lots of water."
She said and Lisa dropped the call.

She looked at me smiling
and winked.

I just blankly reacted. But she is really melting my heart. God. Why did I break us?

We arrived at her house and it is so elegant! So beautiful! It's a dark gray stone house with wooden touches but it's warm bright inside!

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