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Handling the case of Mr. Rogers' son  for two months wasn't easy. I didn't expect it would be too confusing. Well, that's why I am his lawyer. I connected all the dots and found out the killer is not the first suspect but the lady her son slept with a week ago before his death. I got a big support from Mr. Kim with this case. He really guided me, corrected my mistakes and warned me of possible scenarios that may pull us down.

Mr. Rogers was really true to his words. He paid me a huge amount. I couldn't believe. I fucking couldn't believe the money I have on my bank account right now.
I treated myself with the best Korean food in New York! Hahahaha! 

I always get to see Mr. and Mrs. Kim over dinner. I pay for our dates and I also bought a white gold couple ring for the two and they are so happy to receive it. But they are the happiest because of my achievements right now.

The case of Mr. Rogers' son became a national news. It was morbid. It was a sad death. And what fulfilled me?
The justice we got for his son.
For only two months, I solved it. It's really unbelievable, but with God's grace, we did it!

After the case, I received a lot of inquiries for interviews. I didn't respond to any of those yet.
Because I am more interested to a lot of clients piling up to get me as their lawyer.
Mr. Kim gave me an advice on how to accept and decline cases and I put it mind.

They will also go back to Korea next week so I handed them something to give to my parents; cash and some stuff I bought for them and Hanbin.

I got a new apartment here in the US too. Not as luxurious as we expect but enough for me. I still prioritize to save up money so I can buy a house in Korea for my parents and for myself.
Few more cases and I will be able to get my family from the slums.

Now, I need a secretary and no one's coming up on my mind. Mr. Kim introduced his secretary to me years ago, Jimin. We got along and now he works for me.

Cases are coming in. A total of sixteen this month and it means, I am going to work everyday. I have decided to rent a unit in a business building in the city with tight security. Uncle Johan chose it for me. Clients are coming in and out everyday.
I just thank God that I still get to compose myself and dividing each case without getting confused.
Remember the first suspect's parents on Mr. Rogers son's case?
They also got me as their lawyer for some legalities that connects with their business. They even recommended me to other high class personalities and even celebrities and politicians. God.
I did not expect having all these as a young and fresh lawyer.

I also met new friends here who are also lawyers. And some of the cases I have that I can no longer handle, I pass it to them.

A year has passed and never did I fail. I won every case I handled, powerful and fast moving. I don't want to prolong each case just to take more of my clients' money.
And they end up giving me more than my fee.

So, the house I dreamt of for my parents are coming true. I'm releasing the payment next week.
My own house in a nice executive village at Gangnam, that's the next project.
But with Jisoo's help, we already found one for me and planning to get it once I go back to Korea.
Jisoo closed the deal.

Yes, I am planning to go back to my country and do my job there. Besides, I can still travel in and out of the country for my foreign clients who needs help that I can only provide.

I also got this client who set a meeting with me three months ago.
He is the owner of Audi.
His other restaurant business is facing a huge tax evasion case.
He promised that aside from the money he will pay me, he will give me the latest black 2020 Audi A8L fresh from the factory.
Oh, wait. The Audi A8L is Jennie's dream car, as I can remember, she mentioned to me two years ago.

After three months of dealing with his case, we won.
But I told him to just deliver the car once I get back to Korea.

I checked my bank account just by now and I am out of words.
Before, I don't want to check it so I won't get hurt since I had no balance left.

Now, I am not only checking one account but four because I am so blessed by God. I didn't expect being an effective lawyer will have me swimming in circles of luxury. All I thought before was I have to solve a case.
But I'm a wise spender, not too luxurious. I don't even buy a lot of suit and shoes. I still sleep with my shirts that have holes on it. I'm comfortable.

Thanks to Jimin to for helping me sorting out the cases. He is so happy that we are permanently relocating to South Korea and he can be with his family too.

I have talked to my clients regarding my decision of going back to Korea and they're okay with it. They understood that I need to pass them to some of my lawyer friends here in the US.

I took a flight earliest in the morning tomorrow as I will bring my brother to a medical specialist and see what we still can do with his eyes and leg.

I cried on the plane. I cried because I am now reaching my dreams for my family. I want Hanbin to see the beauty of this world and to see me succeed because of his help through my studies and for the motivation he gave me.

I am so excited to see my parents.

I am just so damn excited to see Rosé, Jisoo and Bambam.

I left Korea to chase my dream six years ago.

Now I'm coming back with that dream and serve my own country as well.

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